Outdoor Outdoor auto/super auto grow under the Mediterranean sun 2016

Also the Blackjack is coming down, real nice compact buds ful of sugar!


Others kickin butt???

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Hey man, been missing the updates somehow but I'm all caught up now. Looking good, bro, keep up the good work :thumbsup:
hiya, i am kindof near the med on lattitude 45 and I have alot of experience with super autos. This year my largest super auto looks like she is going to be 4 METERS TALL that's about 12 foot. Currently she is 2 meters tall, as of 25th june, and has nearly 3 months left to grow, she is less than half way completed. She is very fatty too, has a lot of side branches 3/4 the size of the central shoot. Actually i have topped her because i am worried that there will be too much of a giant bud and that it will go mouldy, and want to top her again some time in july, but i still think she will be over 3 meters tall. nirvana sky x purple maroc or nirvana sky x auto kush backcross nirvana sky. at the moment she can grow 5cm / 2 inches in a day when the rain and sun are ok. so even if she gets only 10 days of perfect weather in a month that's still 50 cm!!! The different factor this year is a new spot with soil so dank, i can dig it with my bear hands and it's like compost, because the worms and the moles have turned it over untill it is like fluff, and it is also flooded every 5 years or so, it;s like this insane sandy clay river deposit forest soil which makes plants with 20cm long leaves even without amendments. the hassle is the humidity there.
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