Re-update on the girls. Weather looks good over the week and they don't seem to be looking as lush in the tent so they're back out till the end. All looks pretty good so far.....
^Entry....blackberry kush, left...
None entry....master kush, right..
^none entry...master kush, smells beautiful.
^entry.... Lemon og.
^entry.... cookies kush.
^none entry.....Blue venom. Likley be the first photo to come down.

Some nice colours going on in the garden :smoking::pass:
Yes left some buds to go to maturity on the skelly og I like some amber but in regards to thc probably pulled at the peak time .I wish I didn't live in such a ruff environment but hey friend I will grow anywhere .Next year I will add a baby monitor inside the greenie an a few more cameras to enhance the security elements .I also after obtaining a higher quality smoke from natural teas an what not will be gathering more plants an adding some to the soil as well should be another awesome grow .

They have battery powered motion sirens on ebay for cheap....during the night they work great....sunlight and shadows sometimes sets them off during the day, but for night they work well enough!!
about 1-1,5 week ago the A4 s1 x WS07A6 came down, so time for a budpic.
last pics before chop:



because I had quiet a wave coming in at once and got sick of trimming, I decided to switch to only rough trimming before curing, fine trim I can do before I smoke it.

so this is how the buds look like now in jars:

and I trimmed up that bud nicely for my final dry budshot of the A4 s1 x WS07A6

also made this pic where I kind of like the contrast with the light, but the bud is not that visible so I didn't choose it as my dry bud shot, but still want to show it:

now just waiting for the cure to see how she smokes. already tested a little in the vaporizer and that was good, it also smells delicious. while trimming I kept sniffing the buds so delicious. also very little larf, this plant grew mostly buds on the ends of branches, but all those lower nodes that would usually produce larf now just stayed dormant. and she has an interesting trait that was also in 2 of the ancestors(A4 and A6), after drying the core of the smaller branches turns orange, and the ring around that is brightgreen, so looks pretty nice.
to show what I mean, here's a pic from a stem from last year(not sure if it was A4 or A6):

right now I'm over the peak of harvest, but still have plenty coming in. some on the balcony, but also guerilla.
the guerilla seemed like mostly a failure this year because of the drought, but they grew well after the drought, they thripled in size in flower. and we're having pretty much the perfect autumn now, warm and sunny far into october, it's only now getting a bit colder but still sunny, not rainy/cloudy/foggy like usual. so the guerilla is doing better as last year after all(despite the losses during the drought), and it gets the chance to ripen perfectly with minimal budrot risk, so quality from guerilla this year is also better as last year.
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After all you were going through, this was a phenomenal grow! Show that you have true skills as a grower my friend. It's an honor and a pleasure to watch and learn from you.
Thank you very much the words from you friend an the positivity from afn definitely keeps me going an makes me want to improve style an methodology constantly.I'm glad to help in any way I can growing has changed my life in such a positive way any way to pass it on I'm happy to .
They have battery powered motion sirens on ebay for cheap....during the night they work great....sunlight and shadows sometimes sets them off during the day, but for night they work well enough!!
Awesome I mostly need em at night sounds like they could be what I need that an a baby monitor an I will be totally set thanks friend.I saw a couple different types that looked good .