In fucking deed lmao
If I see him b4 the 5-0 does again, I'll be glad to do time for this scum. I will kill him. No games. I got LIL sisters, and I truly will.kill this man. Proudly!
And I've never said that so.seriously b4, I mean it!
I've had enemy's and I and them better watch are back for each other but never have I felt so.just in taking a life. As I have today laying eyes on this man.
gotta be community service, but do it ina way you don't loose your freedom
:baghead: laggin' here! ...... :smokeout: digging what I see y'all, and I'm hoping for that more than 4 people to finish this time! :crying: Last year was an f'ing demolition derby :nono:....
....Don Skelly :pimp: it's update time,.... something weird is going on with 11 Roses, can't seem to figure or fix the fucking problem,... paling out, fans tapping too fast,.... foliars, pH, feeds all good but ain't doing shit! :cuss:-- really hoping it not something FUBAR with the roots/pests!... MoB is OK, in bloom officially now; Grapefruit is rocking, just now setting bloom, as she's a couple weeks younger than the rest....

>> 11 Roses
11r a.jpg
11r b.jpg

>>> Maine's Own Blueberry

>>> Outdoor Grapefruit
right on J, they like you!
I'm hoping so I make all these teas with only a guesstimate on what the npk is but more importantly I hope to feed microbes .Its a lot of trial an air with the teas an what not been feeding pretty heavy an they seem to dig it been having to water a lot but that's always a good sign .Hoping for some good meds to last till the sun comes back again.
You got that right! It is the only problem I have with my greenhouse. Next year I'm going to make an aluminum frame to mount on both sides of the cover, below the rear window, and mount a 20" box fan to it. That should keep air moving out and I have a pedestal fan inside to keep air moving. I got a little bud rot but I think the fan kept it from getting worse. I have however, gone in there in the morning recently and it was raining... condensation. So I need exhaust especially at night.

Whew! That was hard to type, just smoked a bowl of kief.........


I haven't closed up the greenhouse this season, leaving it as open as I can, keeping the rain out and slowing the wind when it rips, always trying to keep good air flow. Even when it starts to freeze at night I'll keep it open some, stale wet air more the enemy than cold.


:baghead: laggin' here! ...... :smokeout: digging what I see y'all, and I'm hoping for that more than 4 people to finish this time! :crying: Last year was an f'ing demolition derby :nono:....
....Don Skelly :pimp: it's update time,.... something weird is going on with 11 Roses, can't seem to figure or fix the fucking problem,... paling out, fans tapping too fast,.... foliars, pH, feeds all good but ain't doing shit! :cuss:-- really hoping it not something FUBAR with the roots/pests!... MoB is OK, in bloom officially now; Grapefruit is rocking, just now setting bloom, as she's a couple weeks younger than the rest....

>> 11 Roses
View attachment 944063 View attachment 944064

>>> Maine's Own Blueberry
View attachment 944065 View attachment 944066

>>> Outdoor Grapefruit
View attachment 944067 View attachment 944068