guess they just don't like! I have one in the greenhouse go 83 grams dry not bad. And a 60gr., 49, 45, 34. I think this last one might hit 60-70.
if your looking for more weight for a cbd strain try Dinafems IPCBD or what ever... the industrial plants one:rofl:
I really want an Indica based CBD plant. With potent 50/50 strains, you still get a high and I'm not a big fan of a Sativa high. Its ok, but not what I'm looking for and most of the people who are using it agree. I feel,that an Indica CBD plant gives a broader spectrum of cannabinoids and medicinal values.
In fact though, I've been wondering, we've always been told that Indicas are the source of CBD, yet 70% of the available CBD strains are Sativa. Why??? lol.

I will say again though, this IS a very nice strain that is easy to grow and makes good medicine!

if your looking for more weight for a cbd strain try Dinafems IPCBD or what ever... the industrial plants one:rofl:
Starting yesterday, humidity has rocketed up to 80% RH and stayed there. Overnight temps of around 70F. Perfect Boytris weather............I'm chopping the rest of my plants today rather than risk bud rot. I'll post pics later and get final bud shots for the chosen buds of the CBD and Blue Dragon.
Well, my instincts were right! I found just one spot of budrot starting in my Blue Dragon. I cut out the bud right away! The rest of the plant was fine, I checked closely as I trimmed and cut all colas down into just buds to be sure it can't continue.

bud rot pic1 -7-24-2018.jpg

So Blue Dragon is done and trimmed final plant pic and the contest live bud. The dry pic is going to be of a single bud, i HAD to do this to preserve my buds!

Blue Dragon plant pic1 -7-24-2018.jpg
ive Bud

Contest Live Bud

Blue Dragon Bud Main Cola -pre-trim pic2 -7-24-2018.jpg
She was a leafy bitch! A pain in the ass to trim!

Now, some observations on genetic expression.

I think people sometimes mistake genetic expression for phenotype expression. My Blue Dragon grows very differently outdoors compared to indoor. And I've seen more than one expression over the last three outdoor grows. I believe people sometimes mistake genetic expression for phenotype but they are quite different. environment can dictate how cannabis will grow, especially any strain with some Indica in them. Indicas come from an environment with unpredictable weather from one season to the next. They have adapted and will express the traits needed to survive the current years conditions. I've seen 5 different expressions in my Blue Dragon.

I've had this expression before in plants that got larger, FAT big cola with just s few side branches. Others were bushes. I had one that was a GIANT single cola almost 5 feet tall in a three a gallon pot, that was one giant cola!

Scent is different also, its even sweeter!
And the Black Dragon. She smells mildly stinky with a bit out citrus, UNTIL............. she starts drying usually. This one.....OMG Does she STINK! Dead skunk in the middle of the!

The CBD haze gets chopped shortly. here she is for the last time, in the raised bed. Overall, I'm quite pleased with this grow.

Haze CBD contest plant Final pic pic1 -7-24-2018.jpg
Update pics guys.. all's looking well so far. The great weather has continued.
View attachment 931814 View attachment 931815^^none entry master kush first.
She lives with the others so may aswell show her off..View attachment 931816 View attachment 931817
^^cookies kush. The smallest of the photo entries. But looking great. View attachment 931825 View attachment 931826 ^^blackberry kush. View attachment 931827 View attachment 931828 ^^lemon og. Getting abit wide for the greenhouse to be fair. They're all getting abit cramped in there.
I'm doing what i can to take individual pics but it's tricky lol.View attachment 931829 ^^sodk...filling out nicely now shes up there. Shes a lanky fucker lol about 2 foot of bare stalk below the canopy of the others.View attachment 931831 ^^^colorado cookies. View attachment 931836 ^^night queen. Biggest of the auto entries...

Cheers guys & good luck all
all good here!!!!!!, just can't beat good weather!. cheers grobro!
Yes, its Dinafem's. The bud is excellent! But I am helping several people now who have MS, and it is just not productive enough. If I could greenhouse grow year around, I might stick with it. But to get the same yield I'd need at least 5 gallon pots and that's just a waste of space for a plant that give 40-60 grams in a pot that big. But for anyone just growing there own meds, it would be fine!

I'm doing quite well, thank you! How you doing?
check out world of Seeds Tonic Ryder, 1:2, seems like this strain has some growth and yield potential. I've got my IPCBDs nute pumped this time, see if production beats last season.
Hey guys...somehow i got some sort of flu....hurting pretty bad....will likely be a bit sparse around here over the next couple of days.
oh man, fiu in summer, whata rip!, I've got shitty cold right now, ambulatory, but 80f and 80rh seems I'm swimming in snot
Last Girl Standing! All other plants in the raised bed have been chopped, except a Black Dragon and a runt CBD Haze. So this is my contest girl. Not sure when yet, within 7-10 days I'll chop her. Got a couple nice bud pics but not deciding yet what pic I'll enter. We'll see how she looks at the end. didn't get a Black Dragon pic yet, but she's turning red!

Blue Dragon entry is looking amazing. She's wider than she is tall and all bud! Wish she wasn't so leafy though.... can't have everything lol!

I figure this may be a first, entering a CBD strain in a contest lol!

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Blue Dragon

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blue dragon looks awesome!, we don't mind leafy buds, as long as they are saturated with resin:pass: