Bud Wiser UK
This Bud's for you!
Ha ha @Slowmo ... the good 'ol days eh? 
It was like the Wild West back then ..
I remember having to use about 5 different programs to access the different levels of the net .. and what you found at the other end was always interesting enough to go through the pain..!
BBS's were always 'very interesting' ...

It was like the Wild West back then ..
calling a bbs and finding newest version of borland delphi ... is still to this day, my very best day online ... download then took 36 hours ... but i got it
my parents was pissed when they got the bill from their holiday
I remember having to use about 5 different programs to access the different levels of the net .. and what you found at the other end was always interesting enough to go through the pain..!

BBS's were always 'very interesting' ...