The [HASHTAG]#outdoor grow battle[/HASHTAG] List..Have I missed anybody off...?

@Benjamin Squier
@dankstyle J
@Dr. Babnik
@Maria Sanchez
@Bud Wiser UK

@912GreenSkell Team Leader

@NebulaNuggets are you In...?

If we put @912GreenSkell @trailanimal and @dankstyle J in as the [HASHTAG]#staffgladiatorteam[/HASHTAG] :d5:

Do I See enough of a Mix to actually put a [HASHTAG]#USGlatiatorteam[/HASHTAG] and a [HASHTAG]#EUGladiatorteam[/HASHTAG] ..give the Challenge a bit of an Edge..:coffee:

I see @hecno @Bud Wiser UK @Dr. Babnik @Slowmo that I am pretty confident are there anybody else EU..?
Canada? is that in between US and EU? Maybe N America vs EU. The Canadians will mediate our need to fire missiles when we're pissed, lol
Canada? is that in between US and EU? Maybe N America vs EU. The Canadians will mediate our need to fire missiles when we're pissed, lol
Just keep your Tomahawks and Hellfire missiles away from my garden!

Remember, I am a Bomb Seeds customer and have Atomic ICBMs and other bombs in the arsenal!
Nice bud!! I knew you would be in despite climate challenge!! Good luck man! Thinking of just photo or photo and auto?

I'll be having both on the go Mr.@912GreenSkell sir.

A proper fucking mish-mash .. I've got 20 Kush autos from last year in Root Riot cubes as we speak .. not prime stock, so they're going outdoors in the new sun garden he he ... yeah baby, I got a fuckin' sun garden too, eat that Canada !! :biggrin:
Next up, some DP auto Brooklyn & Colorado, also from last year .. maybe the greenhouse in Airpots, along with some cheese autos.

Plus, I've been gifted some Durban x C99 photos, and I'm waiting on some early MOBs, plus some S6 x EPK photos too .. once I've got the beans in my hand and a plan of attack, I'll be back !! ...Arnold 1984

I'm in the same post-less boat. Need to get 'em in for the outdoor comp. Are you in Canada?

And @912GreenSkell: thanks!
Go to live stoners and jus chat it up ,friendly talkative cool guys an gals there .
I'll be having both on the go Mr.@912GreenSkell sir.

A proper fucking mish-mash .. I've got 20 Kush autos from last year in Root Riot cubes as we speak .. not prime stock, so they're going outdoors in the new sun garden he he ... yeah baby, I got a fuckin' sun garden too, eat that Canada !! :biggrin:
Next up, some DP auto Brooklyn & Colorado, also from last year .. maybe the greenhouse in Airpots, along with some cheese autos.

Plus, I've been gifted some Durban x C99 photos, and I'm waiting on some early MOBs, plus some S6 x EPK photos too .. once I've got the beans in my hand and a plan of attack, I'll be back !! ...Arnold 1984


MOB? Mother of Berries? I just popped one today in California.