Grow Room OS Hydro

Oh lol. I keep thinking your in the UK lol. Maybe because JackThepliffer is..who I have not seen in a while.....

Ahhh! So, its just procrastination at work heh. That ventech one will do the trick lol. It cools both my LED's and CFL's when I add them in.
Hey Neko & Bigolnoob! Thanks for stopping in. I'm growing with the tent door partially open and my dark period is from noon to 6pm. The temps are holding around 80F-85F. Just a few more weeks and I'll be able to move back to the tent with the big fan.
8 plants is too many for the Superponics 8 in a 20"x32" tent. it worked well in the other tent because I could bend the plants away from the center of the tent and use the light more efficiently. So I'm going to keep 5 or 6 of the new seedlings and pull the smallest 2-3 plants. I'm not going to get the variety that you do Neko but I think this is going to be the best way to get consistent meds. Keep up the good work man!


BTW All 8 Mephisto Sour Crack have cracked, are cubed and 3 of them are reaching for the sky.
Its funny you say that. Im actually cutting back on the variety I grow indoors to get a more consistent medicinal stash. My goal is to grow enough to where I never feel like I have to ration myself. I almost had it, but ofc a hiccup set that back a little bit. Sounds like were doing that same thing atm lol. This is the first grow Ive actually dedicated 1 of my leds(UFO) to 1 single plant. Im hoping it will pay off in the end. Battling a deficiency on it atm though. Hope it doesn't hurt the yield. I narrowing down the breeders Im willing to get seeds from also. Trying to get that large consistent flow. 1 harvest a month type deal. I think you got a solid plan to make your perpetual flow of medicine go strong. I need ot get some sour crack man. Im totally jealous your starting 8. I got some sour hounds i think Im going to start, and put them outside after they are 2-3 weeks old.
Anyway, I feel like going on and on. I had a lemon head eddible, and 2 glasses of wine. So, Im feeling talkative. So, I will stop at the point in time to bring things ot a conclusion. Peace,Love,Unity,Respect. =):pass::pass::pass::pass::pass::pass::pass::pass:
Yeah I think I got my experimental phase behind me with the last grow. I grew a lot of variety but because of the slime issues none of it is terribly powerful. I'm going to master this Sour Crack and branch out with different strains one plant at a time. I'm really committed to growing Mephisto seeds. They do a great job and they're our people so I'd just as soon give them the business. I'm also saving on seed costs by buying in larger quantity.

