New Grower ORMUS & Sea Solids

I just received a sample of this from a research lab (to a safe addy obviously) and it says best results in soil if applied 3 weeks prior to sewing seed.

I have a grow on just now so I figured an application to the soil would be active in 3 weeks when I go into flower (when they need it most right) I also foliar fed with it as directed at 15ml to a litre.

What I'm curious about is I have a mate running DWC ... what do you reckon the doseage would be if we were to run a side by side test on two pipes ??

it says on the bottle for soil dilute 1 - 100 ... so 10ml per litre.... do you reckon it's the same for hydro ??
Is it the ORMUS or the sea solids you got and want to test? Im running no more than .2-.4EC of sea solids now and the rest (up to 1.4 max EC) is my regular base nutes. I don't add extra cal/mag because the salt contains that already in good quantities.

Hope that helps.
I do need to monitor my EC when using sea solids. I ran it too hot recently and burned the crap out of my plants. But... was running like 4 EC at the time. But the sea solids will be super high EC for the amount you put in. While some people can grow on pure sea solids & minerals, I use it as a supplement. In DWC you could probably get away with .4 EC of sea solids and .7 EC of regular nutes. That's what I would do anyways. Just watch carefully for burn.
Im still using it with great results. I still use that same recipe I posted above, and the plants are still lovin' it!
Thanks for the update MM,

I'm using azomite wich is supposed to have ormus properties next week I'll order up the sea solids and give it a try.