Indoor Organic, t5 grow of mi5 and 2fast2vast

Day 26
Pistils still haven't showed on mi5 #'s 3 & 4. They're both on thee same end of light. Maybe I'm gonna move them around a bit. Want them to catch up to keep canopy in balance. Plants look great and are really starting to smell. Wonderful aroma.
Watered today.
Also my first complaint on tent. Just doesn't seem to be a good way to hang an oscillating fan in this tent. Might zip tie a broom stick or closet pole across supports. A movable shelf would be a good add.


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Day 29
All plants have pistils. Two of the mi5 have really started to stretch and two seem bushier. Don't know if these are different pheno's or the result of a crappy, uneven watering system. Recalibrated the water works. I think this will work well.
Plants have nice color, vigor and mild odor(very nice tho).

Been tucking fan leaves every couple of days.

Once the stretch slows I'll swap out the remaining blue tubes. Have a variety of bloom bulbs (2700,2800 & 3000) I'll mix it up.

A word about the soil. Stoning ton blend is suppose to get photoperiod plants thru a complete grow with only water. Was a bit skeptical but at half way thru looks like they're right so far. So much so that I'm considering using this for another round of auto's. Maybe reamend with lobster compost. Good stuff.

Have a few single seeds and some freebies for a mixed grow.


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Looking sweet dude! :thumbsup:

Day 34
Just realized out of four mi5 I have 3 distinct pheno's. Two are taller fast flowering types and two are shorter and bushier. One of the shorties looks like it was lollipoped previously. Has at least 20 bud sites exposed to light, no large fan leaves. The other shorty is budding very slowly.

Added some lights today. Had a 2' t5 4 bulb that I installed as side lighting. Also added two led fixtures with doubled bulbs on the opposite side. 100 watt equivalent(2700k)bulbs add 1500 lumens each. Pretty much maxing out the tent. An extra 16000 lumens can't hurt. Also going to start swapping bulbs soon. will try to get some pics up tommorow.
Nice! Looks like you could have the beginnings of a mg def on some of the leaves, could just be lighting but think it's quite apparent on this picture.


Now is about the time it would show. Just a heads up bro, looking amazing overall!

Hi dazed
Thanks for the heads up. First noticed this last week but was not 100% sure. Next watering I added a bloom booster that was heavy in cal/mag. Didn't notice any improvement. After reading your comments this am I realized I've been slacking in my duties recently. Did not check ph of Rez before watering this am and don't think I checked the last water either. Thought I'd start with checking runoff for ph. Either didn't do it right or soil has gotten sketchy in the last wk or two. Very limited runoff but checked over 8. After scratching my head for a few decided to check water rez. Ph was 4.4 .
??? So if water in is 4.4 runoff 8.0 . Now really confused.

Also don't understand why it's happening to only one plant. The one that doesn't seem to want to flower.

Treated all with cal-mag+

Would flushing soil in that pot be advisable?
I'm not sure, your water going in was 4.4? Thats very, very acidic! Hard to understand why the run off is 8 also, but run off isn't really an accurate way to measure. A good soil pH probe is much better, Accurate 8 is the one to get if you can. I wouldn't flush or you risk flushing out all the good stuff. If it isn't getting any worse then the cal/mag will be helping, I would keep an eye on it and definitely look at getting your water to around 5.5-5.8 if you can.
Thanks dazed
Something isn't making sense. Will be watering tomorrow am. Gonna check Rez first ph and ec. Water heavy, draw off 3 or 4 ozs of runoff, run thru coffee filter and check at least two plants. Gotta stop medicating before working with the ladies.
Day 37

Learned something new today. Don't check ph while water is bubbling. Gives a false reading that's at least a point higher.
Rez checked 6.4
Runoff 6.6
Still don't know where that 4.4 came from. I'll chock it up to brain fart and move on.

Meet mi5 #1 aka the bud machine. There's been no lst done to this plant. It's got 20 bud sites that will get light plus the main cola that is fattening up nicely. Damn shame these af's can't be cloned would love to have 12 just like it.