Outdoor Oregon Grown #3

That group of females you got hanging out with you got plenty of sex appeal! Healthy and vibrant looking, with no real flaws. You like to hang wit them model chicks, I see!
Hahaha no doubt,I hope they stay pretty,thanks for the kind words friend.
Thanks man should be a good season ,plants could easily get 8ft and bigger,and very wide ,i love growing weather in a greenhouse or indoors,but outdoors i can see a strains true expression and watch it fully mature .

That´s true..outdoors the naked genes are seen....8 feet? Woohaaa, i´ll watching...:drool:
Yes Mongol if everything goes as previous years we should be able to see plants much bigger then 8ft ,I grew a barneys farm critical kush that grew over 11ft tall over 8ft wide,I stopped measuring at 11ft not bad for a plant barneys farm lists as a small to medium short stature plant being mostly indica ,I wonder what they think a large plant is lol some of these plants have definitely never been documented on the web for growth or finishing times ,if I'm going to be the first hopefully I get em as big as possible.
Here are some critical kushs from Oregon Grown#1 they were all started about the same time as these were so ,and were all way above 8ft
Yes Mongol if everything goes as previous years we should be able to see plants much bigger then 8ft ,I grew a barneys farm critical kush that grew over 11ft tall over 8ft wide,I stopped measuring at 11ft not bad for a plant barneys farm lists as a small to medium short stature plant being mostly indica ,I wonder what they think a large plant is lol some of these plants have definitely never been documented on the web for growth or finishing times ,if I'm going to be the first hopefully I get em as big as possible.

That´s make me nervous, LOL, I´ll check out Barney´s tomorrow to get a closer....:smoking: