I'm not concerned with the names like "crack" or "meth" affecting The Cause(tm). When have marijuana haters and prohibitionists EVER let the truth come between them and their beliefs? It wouldn't matter if every strain was sold as "Cannabis Variety #X: THC %Y CBD%Z", they'd still argue smoking it would make you eat babies, rape cars, and steal women, and Nancy Grace would have a special soon after called, "Marijuana: Evil Drug or Worst Drug?"
As for me, some of the names are stupid, sure, and some I would openly mock with the dispensary worker selling it, but otherwise I actually like it as part of the marijuana culture. The names that really make me shake my head in disgust are "Sativex" and "Marinol". Yay, our beloved plant turned into a chemically extracted, for-profit, copyright-protected trade good devoid of any soul or love.
As long as someone is debating buying strains with names like "Purple Dank Balls" and "Devil Shit Kush", there's hope that the culture is alive and well.