Canna Jedi in training.
They looking pretty happy!
Looks like ya got a few issues goin on there man..what soil ya using and ya know your PH by chance,soil and/or run off??lime in your soil?cal mag additive?or doing the home mix only?
imo you should keep the salts out of your brew till you get your natural colors back from soil side.not foliar..that can give you a false sense of where things are actually at imo.Kelp is a great pop an instant green.but it'll shift right back once it flash feeds on em man..kelp n cal-mag like cal+ er something should work well once your soil is delt have some off natural colors that are, at this young stage..LOL!
LMFAO dude I wasnt saying yer stuff is jacked cuz it aint..its just through taking pictures and growing as i do and monitoring the colors of things I can just look at a solid natural light picture and just see its not a natural shift in pigments..its a physical/chemical change not a genetic shift can see the dark spinnin out sure..but the splotches and light discoloration are albeit subtle keys to watch for in your leaves always to just know when your plant is not 100% thats all I was getting at.and life being busy n stuff OH maaan,I do understand..buzy,ya hurt..uber takes work and if I had a family like many of ya'll do..? pffft..Id never get more than 6-8 plants done..ever LOL!!Much respect on that front for EVERYONE man..thats crazy man..and crazy and super crazy LOL!!take that how ya want Im not even sure what I mean man..LMFAO!"MysticMossy" :Woozy..?:
edit: and it aint you dude..promise..yer soil just aint ready..thats all man..we'll work on that.easy as easy gets dude ...promise.mix this n that n water and a natural tea which you have all the waesome for..juust wait dude..just be patient..yer gonna blow it up reallll sooon dude.