Olderfart's rotblock test

Well peeps, time ran out today. I am heading onto the road in a day or two for 10 days or so. So, the decision was whether to chop now, or chop a week and a half from now. I chose now. A bit of amber had shown up gradually, but there was still a bit more clear than I wanted. So be it, the buds are now bagged, and will go in the freezer as we head out the door. It is CBD only, and destined for extract/tinctures, so the freezer treatment will have to do. When we get back, I will continue the dry, with some very careful initial care to make sure that the potential extra moisture from the freezing does not cause mischief.

So, on with a few pics and then my conclusions on this Rotblock test.

Here is the cross between Dinamed Auto CBD Kush, and Dinamed Auto CBD at 79 days:

View attachment 1352553
And here is her main cola:
View attachment 1352554
She is reasonably frosty, and very, shall we say, aromatic. When the better half got back home after I had been trimming downstairs, she mentioned that it was "pretty plain that a certain something was going on". Understatement. Strong, pleasant spice, no hint of diesel. Not really fruity, but kind of hinting a bit in that direction. That is about all this elder nose can do with it, other than note that I love it. :biggrin:

Speaking of the bud, here is the harvest from the big girl:

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This is wet of course, dry weight may happen later.

Onward to the runts. Here is the biggest of a poor lot:View attachment 1352555

And the next best:

View attachment 1352557

And the runtiest:

View attachment 1352558

And here is one of the best colas on the runts:

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And the last pic, the harvest combined from the three runts, wet as noted earlier:

View attachment 1352550

The aroma of the runts is similar to that of the cross, strong, pleasant, and all spice, no fuel, and only subtle hints of fruit.

Ok peeps, bottom line on the grow is that I got a bit of bud, but nothing to be proud of. The soil mix that I knocked together was a bust. It caused, I think, serious stunting on the three CBD Kush girls, and likely limited the growth of the cross. The Jobe's spikes did not do the job at all, I had to start feeding MCII at ~900EC not that far into the grow. Maybe the spikes do not dissolve and become available soon enough for autos. Whatever, it was a one off, and will not be repeated. I threw it together with the time I had in order to do the Rotblock test in my grow shelter. Later with more prep was not an option. This grow was about throwing some plants into the evil grow shelter to test Rotblock, not about dialing in a productive grow.

Here is my take on my Rotblock results. I have done two previous summer grows in this grow shelter, and every plant in both grows was hit in mid-late bloom by serious enough Botrytis to shut me down early. I had, prior to this grow, given up on the idea of growing outdoors at all as a result of the bugs, slugs, and mold. I managed to deal with the bugs and slugs, but the mold pretty much finished my interest in outdoor where I live. A small indoor winter grow suffices for my needs, so I have little interest in fighting to get a grow through the outdoor pestilence.

Enter the generous opportunity to test Rotblock. I had considered the product, but the price for a small container put me off given that I did not know whether it would work for me. Given Phyter's generous offer of a sample to try, I dove in, and here we are.

While I trimmed the bud from these four test plants, I fastidiously searched for any sign of mold or mildew. I found NADA. Not one hint. Not one unhealthy sugar leaf. In short, not a hint of problems for the first time in this grow shelter in spite of repeated sessions of ~99% RH, regular guttation in the morning, and huge variation in temperatures. Rotblock prevailed, and this grow was totally mold free. I am impressed. Rotblock has re-ignited my interest in outdoor growing where I live.

In fairness though I have to note two complicating factors in interpretation of my results. First, I did not suffer a fan screwup, as far as I know anyway, so this grow probably (power interruptions? who knows, I wasn't home) had fan circulation throughout the grow unlike my second attempt. Second, due presumably to the soil, but possibly to genetics or excessive heat, the buds from this grow are on the airy side, so may not be subject to the highest level of mold risk. However, all of the plants in my first grow down there also had light-ish colas, and they were hit hard. On balance, I conclude that the Rotblock saved me from a repeat performance with mold regardless of bud density and regardless of the change in fan operation.

Happy growing Peeps, I recommend that you try Rotblock if you have experienced mold problems. The small container (50g? can't remember) goes a hell of a long way, so don't let the price discourage you. For ~$50 or so as I recall, you could do multiple 4x4 grows with heavy weekly application to all plants. If you are selling the stuff, which I do not, a couple colas saved would more than pay for the product for multiple grows. Even if you are not in the business, saving yourself the disappointment and hassle of trying to save what you can at the end of a single grow would be worth the price for me. :headbang:

Thanks sincerely to @Phyter for generously providing me with chance to try their product. :thanks:

Wow, I'm gobsmacked. Glowing review. Seriously gushing here. So happy to have helped and maybe reignited your feelings towards outdoor growing. Better living through science, and all that. Cheers!
Wow, I'm gobsmacked. Glowing review. Seriously gushing here. So happy to have helped and maybe reignited your feelings towards outdoor growing. Better living through science, and all that. Cheers!

The review is glowing because I try to give credit where it is due. Rotblock can obviously make a serious difference - perhaps not perfect for every grow of every strain, but I will use it on any outdoor grow I do from now on.

It would have been nice to get some serious colas going to test, but I am convinced that the size of colas will not likely make much difference as long as they are well colonized by the Rotblock bennies. As I mentioned, I have grown small airy buds down there before, and still had a serious mold problem every time, with every plant.

The grow shelter is on the edge of a swamp, so it stays humid most of the time, and gets downright silly humid (99% on my gauge) overnight whenever the weather is cool. It is normal to find guttation droplets on the point of every leaf serration in the morning. Short of dealing with days of pissing rain on the plants, this shelter is a serious test for mold problems.

Thanks again for the generous opportunity to try your product. I hope my positive review helps get more Rotblock into the kits of outdoor growers here. I think it would make a big difference for lots of growers. :thanks:
The review is glowing because I try to give credit where it is due. Rotblock can obviously make a serious difference - perhaps not perfect for every grow of every strain, but I will use it on any outdoor grow I do from now on.

It would have been nice to get some serious colas going to test, but I am convinced that the size of colas will not likely make much difference as long as they are well colonized by the Rotblock bennies. As I mentioned, I have grown small airy buds down there before, and still had a serious mold problem every time, with every plant.

The grow shelter is on the edge of a swamp, so it stays humid most of the time, and gets downright silly humid (99% on my gauge) overnight whenever the weather is cool. It is normal to find guttation droplets on the point of every leaf serration in the morning. Short of dealing with days of pissing rain on the plants, this shelter is a serious test for mold problems.

Thanks again for the generous opportunity to try your product. I hope my positive review helps get more Rotblock into the kits of outdoor growers here. I think it would make a big difference for lots of growers. :thanks:

You're welcome, and seriously, thank you very much. Been a great opportunity for us this summer as well.
Will be in contact in future.
Final tally
The buds are dry, and here are the final results:

Dinamed Auto Kush CBD:

Dinamed Auto Kush CBD x Dinamed Auto CBD:

So, 37g (1.3 oz) from 4 plants. Better than nothing, and will permit adjustment of the dearest's sleep meds with more CBD if needed prior to the next harvest.

Happy growing peeps, this grow test is now complete.
:baghead: OF, I am a fucking dunce- :rofl: ..apparently I hallucinated this being the all-purpose update thread for Phyter! :oops1: :nono:

I'll move this jackin' post out, sorry! :rofl:
The review is glowing because I try to give credit where it is due. Rotblock can obviously make a serious difference - perhaps not perfect for every grow of every strain, but I will use it on any outdoor grow I do from now on.

It would have been nice to get some serious colas going to test, but I am convinced that the size of colas will not likely make much difference as long as they are well colonized by the Rotblock bennies. As I mentioned, I have grown small airy buds down there before, and still had a serious mold problem every time, with every plant.

The grow shelter is on the edge of a swamp, so it stays humid most of the time, and gets downright silly humid (99% on my gauge) overnight whenever the weather is cool. It is normal to find guttation droplets on the point of every leaf serration in the morning. Short of dealing with days of pissing rain on the plants, this shelter is a serious test for mold problems.

Thanks again for the generous opportunity to try your product. I hope my positive review helps get more Rotblock into the kits of outdoor growers here. I think it would make a big difference for lots of growers. :thanks:

From what I've seen from my grow, Phyter should be able to protect big firm buds. Coverage of the product is key, as is a natural surfactant, yucca for me. To keep up with new growth, I sprayed every other day. That's probably overkill, but I didn't want to take a chance after seeing how fast and completely rot moves in on the other girls. IF rot does occur somewhere, Phyter just doesn't let it spread and will give you time to find it and remove it. Most rot found was caused by insects. I didn't have many insects and no invasions. Insects just don't attack healthy plants.

I got to start using Phyter before my two Asian Haze girls started to flower. My other girls were already flowering, they didn't survive.

There's no doubt in my mind that Phyter helped me harvest one of the Asian Haze and in a few days her much bigger sister. Without Phyter, I would have almost nothing from 8 outdoor girls.

I won't grow outdoors again until it's legal here. When it does become legal, I won't be growing outdoors without Phyter.

Phyter just plain works! No doubt about it!
From what I've seen from my grow, Phyter should be able to protect big firm buds. Coverage of the product is key, as is a natural surfactant, yucca for me. To keep up with new growth, I sprayed every other day. That's probably overkill, but I didn't want to take a chance after seeing how fast and completely rot moves in on the other girls. IF rot does occur somewhere, Phyter just doesn't let it spread and will give you time to find it and remove it. Most rot found was caused by insects. I didn't have many insects and no invasions. Insects just don't attack healthy plants.

I got to start using Phyter before my two Asian Haze girls started to flower. My other girls were already flowering, they didn't survive.

There's no doubt in my mind that Phyter helped me harvest one of the Asian Haze and in a few days her much bigger sister. Without Phyter, I would have almost nothing from 8 outdoor girls.

I won't grow outdoors again until it's legal here. When it does become legal, I won't be growing outdoors without Phyter.

Phyter just plain works! No doubt about it!
That makes two of us on the outdoor grows. I may do more outdoors after all now, only because of Phyter. I had given up before this test. IMO, this stuff would help the majority of outdoor growers. Bottom line is that even when sheltered from rain, most places experience dramatic swings into high RH periodically, and that seems to be a real problem for cannabis whether precipitated by insects or otherwise.

Anyway, I am tickled to see your results so clearly similar to mine. Congrats on the harvest, and thanks for reporting on your test. :thanks:
:baghead: OF, I am a fucking dunce- :rofl: ..apparently I hallucinated this being the all-purpose update thread for Phyter! :oops1: :nono:

I'll move this jackin' post out, sorry! :rofl:
No worries, I'm sure I have done worse and not even noticed. There are a lot of overlapping topics covered in multiple threads. I regularly lose track of exactly which thread I am in, so I expect that I have committed the hijack sin without even catching myself.

Keep up the good work mate, you are a hell of a long way from dunce territory. :worship: