New Grower Ok, ive been debating it, but heres my 1st grow journal.

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I feel my cheeks getting hot, I must go now. Lol Growbe check ya rep! :)
haha..sorry about that mandy..if it makes you feel better, "noods started it!"
Still lookin great growbee! Thats one awsome pic, pics of kolas never seem to get old in my opinion lol Im gonna be able to start smoking again soon too, cant wait til our girls are ready!
a P5020032.jpgP5020031.jpgP5020029.jpgP5020028.jpgP5020027.jpgP5020026.jpgP5020024.jpgP5020023.jpgoP5020022.jpgk, im starting to get VERY aggrivated!! im trying not to get carried away, but im so upset right now, which never happens. Ok, a few days ago, i mentioned that im having problems with my smallest akr, and her leaves falling out. Well its getting worse before its getting better. 4 days ago, i put about 4 more heaping tablespoons of dolomite lime into my soil, and mixed it into the top 2 inch layer very good. I then continued to give her a good veg/calmag feeding. The runoff came out 5.8 or so. well as i stated, its been 4 days, she needed another watering with just plain water. I put 7.0 water into her pot, and it came out actually LOWER. 5.6 was the runoff. What is going on? I also took pictures for you, and ill explain them pic by pic:
Picture 1- just an example of the beginning stages of the leaf deteriorating.
Pic 2-a pic of the actual plant, buds are coming in, but she is the worst plant as far as leafage and bud growth. She is also the tallest and skinniest.
Pic 3-another shot of her, only side view
pic 4-another leaf sample
pic 5-cola shot
pic 6-yet another leaf sample..keep in mind, that this cola is about the width of my index finger, and the surrounding bud leaves are about the same diameter as a golf ball. it looks bigger in the picture.
pic 7-another def leaf..this is a classic example of how they look about halfway into deterioration
pic 8 and 9- these are three leaves that easily just fell off the main cola it cola or kola? anyhow im super pissed because as you can see in last pic i did a size comparison with my hand, and these are some of the biggest fan leaves she has
I did research on all the deficiencies, and it looks to me like p and k def's. I think its happening now, because the plant needs these nutes to help with bud production. I havent given her a flower nute yet, she's due tomorrow.
Please, anyone, what do i do? I dont want all this friggin' hard work going down the drain, i KNOW this is all gonna seriously effect my yield in the end. My other two look alot better. My best looks Phenominal, and my 2nd best had some issues with this, but seems to be getting better. Should I "up" the flower nutes to start? should I get some hydrated lime to temporarily fix the ph while i give flowering nutes? I dont know guys, ive just made it so far, and this is a very critical time for my girls. So basically i just need an emergency remedy until i can get this soil ph under control. Ive been adding lime for a few weeks now, and my soil ph started off at 4.5, so were definetly heading in the right direction..just not sure how much more to add. sorry for such a huge post, but im really upset, and want to get this fixed asap. Thank you.
Don't put any more lime on them,it takes a while for the lime to work maybe a week or so.Don't over water them but when they need it start with a week mix of flower nutes that has a low number of nitrogen.You could give them a foliar feeding with a week mix of nitrogen fert.or a mix of one part amonia to ten parts water and spray the leaves and see if they green up a little.
thanks a bunch for the quick response, namvet, your always there quickly for me~i really appreciate it, and ill do that. :stir:
Yes, foliar's are often a good quick fix growbe. Just watch you don't get your buds too wet. You're gonna accidentally get them a little wet- just make sure they have some good air going when your done. Don't want no bud rot.

Do you have Kelp? I learned this sweet trick here from Trifid. This is how I always use it now:

..What I did was put 1/2 tsp kelp powder into about 30 ml of (dist) water. I mixed this up in a small plastic bowl and got the mix as consistent as possible, transferred the mix to a small zip-lock bag and placed it in the freezer. This is just a base, or "concentrate", that I'll then add to 500 ml dist water after it's (the concentrate) frozen and thawed twice. That 500 ml mixture will then be allowed to settle. After it settles I'll separate the sediment, which will then be mixed with the top layer of soil (waste not, want not). The fluid will be a clean Kelp Foliar.
Damn I wish I could come over and burn one with you and calm you down growbee. haha. I can imagine how frustrating that is, hang in there. I can't imagine why the lime hasn't raised your ph on up, that is odd, it's been over a week, right?

I don't know exactly what to suggest man, sorry. Your ph is off, I don't think adding more nutes would help, only make it worse, the nutes in your soil bring your ph down. All I can think of doing is flushing with clean plain ph'ed water at 7 and leave them for five days.
yeah, i was thinking that too..i just feel like im on the home stretch here, time is short..i have probably 3 weeks at best on day..48? i have to check. thanks anyhow squidman. :)
on a better note, i lollypopped two of my photo's today..i think it came out rather successful! gosh though, this ph problem has just got me all wound up. tough to get over thats for sure..its like watching something slowly suffer, and there's nothing you can do to immediately fix it for them..helpless. ughh..anyhow, here are some pics of the lolly pop job~P5020020.jpg