New Grower obnoxious photo-fans

  • Thread starter Thread starter Afrikaaner
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In reality, AF's are the "ditch weed" of yore....wild, untamed, not much THC, found along rail road tracks, high mountain meadows (where I used to see them)....nobody planted them....they were just....'ditch weed'.Through the magic of cross breeds, landraces, quality continues to expand, grow and seems at a rapid rate. Muddy said 5 yrs ago, 2-4 100's! (and more!)!!! That's what I love about generations, improved....nice to have several types of smoke, depending on mood, pain and other health factors. LOVE the quick turn around....I can do 2 crops by the time a photo is going into bud stage!!! Yet, long liove the PHOTOS!!! They are in their own realm. ;o) Always nice to do those outside, AF's nestled unobstructed in flower/veggie garden, blending in!
i agree with almost everything everyone has said! i didn't start this as a photo bashing thread, just to express my opinion and tell everyone how much i enjoy growing them! perhaps it's just the feeling of a new frontier (with autos) that draws me in, but i LOVE every second of it.

and i agree about the phenotypes! i think it's important for two reasons, one, obviously because it's always better to know what to expect, and secondly because cloning isn't as viable of an option with autos, getting a homogenized crop becomes almost impossible when some plants are twice the size of others. Not that the toss of the dice feel that autos provide isn't fun and adventurous, but i think you guys know what i mean...
I am fairly new to autos,
But I really enjoy growing them. I will be doing a huge auto grow outdoors this next summer, but during the winter I will be doing my Photo grows. I have quit growing photos outdoors, because of enforcement issues. I want my outdoor crops, out of the woods, before the choppers start flying. I can get 2 harvests a summer, before the photo flowering season hits, and the choppers hit the air. I like the uniformaty of clones in a SOG indoors, and will continue doing that. But in March, there will be a bunch of autos being planted, to go outdoors, in mid April. And More autos started, to take their place, outdoors, at the end of May. You guys, and gals, have sold me on the autoflowers. I will never grow photos outdoors again.
