In reality, AF's are the "ditch weed" of yore....wild, untamed, not much THC, found along rail road tracks, high mountain meadows (where I used to see them)....nobody planted them....they were just....'ditch weed'.Through the magic of cross breeds, landraces, quality continues to expand, grow and seems at a rapid rate. Muddy said 5 yrs ago, 2-4 types....now 100's! (and more!)!!! That's what I love about them....new generations, improved....nice to have several types of smoke, depending on mood, pain and other health factors. LOVE the quick turn around....I can do 2 crops by the time a photo is going into bud stage!!! Yet, long liove the PHOTOS!!! They are in their own realm. ;o) Always nice to do those outside, AF's nestled unobstructed in flower/veggie garden, blending in!