Outdoor OBB's Berry Patch

:gary::goauto: :jointman: Hey mon! :welcome:.... great to see you jumping right in dude, and with this strain especially! :woohoo::drool: I see Don Skelly has already swerved and perv'ed some porn this way...:rofl:.... I can pile on if you like! :hump: .... He's a fine consultant on mold resistant strains too, being up in Canukland... I've had my fair share of struggles with it too, so these days I'm weighing strain choices with that in mind,....

Tell me about this pheno' man, is it as deep purple as some of the old JEM's showed now and again? The green one, which Cres was angling for, I only had once, all the others were purple, med-darkish,... another grower has claimed a "white" pheno', but I'm waiting to hear back from him on that to see what he means,...:eyebrows:

:pighug: good to see you mate! Allow me,...:slap: :goodluck:
:gary::goauto: :jointman: Hey mon! :welcome:.... great to see you jumping right in dude, and with this strain especially! :woohoo::drool: I see Don Skelly has already swerved and perv'ed some porn this way...:rofl:.... I can pile on if you like! :hump: .... He's a fine consultant on mold resistant strains too, being up in Canukland... I've had my fair share of struggles with it too, so these days I'm weighing strain choices with that in mind,....

Tell me about this pheno' man, is it as deep purple as some of the old JEM's showed now and again? The green one, which Cres was angling for, I only had once, all the others were purple, med-darkish,... another grower has claimed a "white" pheno', but I'm waiting to hear back from him on that to see what he means,...:eyebrows:

:pighug: good to see you mate! Allow me,...:slap: :goodluck:

Haha yeah i couldnt help but post some porn after seeing it was the highrise mob!!
Waira, I think it gets deeper purple than Jems ever did.

By all means, please post some photos.
:drool: *slobber* --ahhhh, that's the Stuff!.... I did get a really deep PJEM once, like ink-dipped deep--


>>> OK, now for the MoB porn :hump:... first two were in only 5gal pots,....

Green pheno'--> a Fall beauty for sure....

>>> Purps--->

>> another later grow-->

. The best solution I have come up with so far is growing pot on the roof. If you think my uptight rich neighbors get upset by the working class guy on his roof in his skivvies watering plants and smoking a doobie, you would be correct.

Thought I recognized those skivvies of yours from my place to the north of ya LOL. Great to see you here my friend growing one of our favorite strains. Stick will be testing many MOB xes outdoors this year.

Love me some purple buds, what's the smell like on those highrise mob's? Great looking bud guys.
Pure Blueberry muffins. Stick can never keep his big snout out of the flowers.

Very nice plants and pictures @912GreenSkell and @Waira!

Looks and sounds like this will be another OD year of MOB! Less than a week to for many of us to start our OD gear indoors.

Thought I recognized those skivvies of yours from my place to the north of ya LOL. Great to see you here my friend growing one of our favorite strains. Stick will be testing many MOB xes outdoors this year.

Pure Blueberry muffins. Stick can never keep his big snout out of the flowers.

Very nice plants and pictures @912GreenSkell and @Waira!

Looks and sounds like this will be another OD year of MOB! Less than a week to for many of us to start our OD gear indoors.


Yep you got it!! I literally just finished digging out my seeds
When I first grew big MOB plants in the backyard I didn't know how they would smell. I was doing some late flower structure work when I suddenly smelled a blueberry pie cooking. When I got inside I asked Mrs. OBB when the pie was going to be ready. She rightfully looked at me like I was insane. I cannot stress how much purple MOB smells like a blueberry pie baking.

Stick buddy, good to see you still working the mob!

Waira, gorgeous!