Outdoor OBB's Berry Patch


Fussy Bumble Bear
Mar 20, 2018
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
My Degree
Howdy y'all,

I'm Oregon Black Bear and I'm here to grow some cannabis under the sun. I live in a temperate rain forest canyon, and growing outdoors is a challenge. The best solution I have come up with so far is growing pot on the roof. If you think my uptight rich neighbors get upset by the working class guy on his roof in his skivvies watering plants and smoking a doobie, you would be correct.

I haven't gotten started with prep this year as the weather has been atrocious, but I'll be popping seeds in the tent soon. I'll be hunting down a pheno of MOB that we call dark matter. The Mrs. says this is my highest botanical priority right now, and so it is.

Here's some photos from last year's prep. I popped and ran nothing but bag seeds for fun, and ended up with some good weed. Nothing was worth keeping, so I let the moms go.

IMG_1369.JPG IMG_1370.JPG IMG_1371.JPG IMG_1422.JPG
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'm Oregon Black Bear and I'm here to grow some cannabis under the sun. I live in a temperate rain forest canyon, and growing outdoors is a challenge. The best solution I have come up with so far is growing pot on the roof. If you think my uptight rich neighbors get upset by the working class guy on his roof in his skivvies watering plants and smoking a doobie, you would be correct.

Hahahaha I like your style!! Haha excellent! Great to meet you bud!
welcome Oregon Black Bear, this is Mother of all Berries from TH seeds right? really fast, short fatty if i remember. I'm in, interested to see her do her thing...oh and how many seeds you popping?

Nope, these are from Highrise. They are the S2 generation with the purple pheno that pops out of the background. I highly suspect TH got their genetics from them. She's a real beauty though. She's compact...ish, with rebar like stems on her, doesn't need much support at all. 50~55 days flowering.