Nutrient defiancy issues using coco/Megacrop.

I can feel your frustration all the way over here. That is some extremely poor QC. It feels like you can't even buy good stuff if you want to anymore. I suppose it's always been this way, we just have access to each other now so we can tell everyone that "stuff is crap" more easily.

I am interested to hear how you like the RO system and how difficult you find the install to be.
I can feel your frustration all the way over here. That is some extremely poor QC. It feels like you can't even buy good stuff if you want to anymore. I suppose it's always been this way, we just have access to each other now so we can tell everyone that "stuff is crap" more easily.

I am interested to hear how you like the RO system and how difficult you find the install to be.
Yeah bro, I'm baffled because I didn't have this problem in the winter. I'll hook up the RO system when it gets here. I bought a decent amount of spring water that should last me until the weekend. I'll keep you updated!

So the new hose filter stopped working after a week... PPM levels are now around 300. Using Spring water dilute my tap water at the moment. Waiting for the RO system you recommended to get it In. Should have been here today with the calmag and epsom salt, but looks like it won’t be delivered until tomorrow. @Mañ'O'Green
Oh no! I just bought 2 of them for washing the cars :shrug:.

RO system has arrived and is installed. Running the 30min trial run as we speak with no leaks so far. Water in bucket, which is a little over a gallon now is reading 32ppm. Calmag and Epsom salt is here so the girls will get switched to cleaner water starting tomorrow since I won't be home tonight to get the RO water together for a feed, but I'm happy. I bought the system that @Mañ'O'Green mentioned. Easy install since the house had a water filtration system in the past so there was a line set up. There is also one set up for the entire house.... may look into that in the future.

EDIT: Final PPM readings after 30min intial run is 18ppm :smoking:. Think we are good to go now. Need to just get a better scale for readings now, but I am very happy and I'm sure the plants will be too. MoG, you mind doing one more chart for me with 18ppm. I'm guessing not much changes from the prior reading?
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