New Grower Nutrient Burn or Nutrient Deficiency ???

Feb 4, 2015
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Hello AFN

I think I messed up i dont know what else to do I flushed after some days I fed bloom nutes and the condtion remain the same day 60, dark veins in the beginning like this one that appeared in my amnesia haze 2015-03-28 06.56.50.jpg yellowing and then burnt tips which continue every day increase. Looks like zink or phosphorus deficiency I cant feed any more!!! Ill burn them, but should I flush again???2015-03-28 06.57.32.jpg2015-03-28 06.57.20.jpg2015-03-28 06.58.23.jpg Pistils are yellowing , Ive lost my sleep, any advice should I flush should feed? should `i leave it this way and see ? what help
What is your soil ph? You should probably post this in the 24 hour help thread. Give more info though. Soil ph, feed/water ph, run off ph, what nuts you have been feeding, how often. And good close up photos of the damage.
Thanks man
yes I ll see what goes on and I ll go help center
Ok guys isn t that a phosphorous deficiency or what, After so much phosphorous I fed her she has a deficiency????2015-03-28 09.10.26.jpg2015-03-28 09.10.37.jpg:DragonSmoke:

If I had to guess, I'd say she's just hungry. Check pH is right, and feed Ca/Mg enriched general nute solution at weak-ish dilution to runoff and wait two or three days and see. If it was a toxicity they'd be serious dark green and leaves would be hooking. Check the runoff, if it's within tolerable range feed them again, if not, flush. My two cents...
If your pH is too low it won't matter how much P or K you give them the plants won't be able to absorb them. Check your soil pH
The last time I saw you posting you were having these same problems, and everyone told you to check your PH. You said you are using some sort of aquarium kit to test PH, but you said your soil's PH was 7. I'm not sure how you know that if you don't have a way to test it. You need to test and adjust the water that you put in, and then test the water that drains out the bottom, and post both of those numbers so that people can help you.

Now people are asking you again, what is your PH.

So what is your PH?

Nutrients can ONLY be taken up by your plant at certain specific PH levels. If your plant is not eating a nutrient, then you will have deficiencies. If your PH is not right, then that is WHY your plant is not eating it. You can add that element as much as you like, but if your PH isn't right, the plant won't eat it. It is called a nutrient lock-out.

Here is a chart that shows what nutrients the plant can eat at what ph levels in soil.

Use Google. Learn about PH. It is important.

Good luck!
