Wedding Cake yellowing

i find that around day 60+, you’ll start to see the natural fade of the fan leaves start setting in. I wouldn’t worry about it too much.

Remember that calcium is an immobile nutrient so not a ton of use in using a ton of it since it only goes to newer growth. On the flip side using too much can lock out your magnesium uptake which is a mobile nutrient. Always good to have some epsom salts on hand. I rarely add any calcium after the first couple weeks when I am feeding the seedlings at a lower dose of nutes.

You may be having a magnesium lockout. You could try some epsom at a teaspoon per gallon. It won’t fix the yellowing so much as it can help it from getting worse.
i find that around day 60+, you’ll start to see the natural fade of the fan leaves start setting in. I wouldn’t worry about it too much.

Remember that calcium is an immobile nutrient so not a ton of use in using a ton of it since it only goes to newer growth. On the flip side using too much can lock out your magnesium uptake which is a mobile nutrient. Always good to have some epsom salts on hand. I rarely add any calcium after the first couple weeks when I am feeding the seedlings at a lower dose of nutes.

You may be having a magnesium lockout. You could try some epsom at a teaspoon per gallon. It won’t fix the yellowing so much as it can help it from getting worse.
adding all that CalMag is what probably caused a lockout. Foliar feed with some (1gr/4L water) magnesium sulfate and if the soil needs water, just pH'd water and some bacterial cultures like Bactrex (if you're in Europe) or something like Hydroguard if you're Stateside. These will help in getting the soil pH back at where it's suppose to be and start converting nutrients in the right amount.

Guuudluck :pass:
I agree with all that it’s too much Cal mag. I use MegaCrop as my nutes and don’t even add cal mag
Yes, I was admonished by the Advanced Nutrients grower support expert that said "did you see anywhere on our feed schedule to add CalMag?" I said no bashfully. I was following Tang's schedule to a tee and he added CalMag on every feed/water, so I thought I was good. The support expert said that there is enough Calcium and Magnesium in the base nutrients already. Always a learning experience. But I should be able to get some nice smaller buds from my Wedding Cake and learn from it. Thank you to all for the great tips!
Yes, I was admonished by the Advanced Nutrients grower support expert that said "did you see anywhere on our feed schedule to add CalMag?" I said no bashfully. I was following Tang's schedule to a tee and he added CalMag on every feed/water, so I thought I was good. The support expert said that there is enough Calcium and Magnesium in the base nutrients already. Always a learning experience. But I should be able to get some nice smaller buds from my Wedding Cake and learn from it. Thank you to all for the great tips!
All part of the journey. Just remember that while you can follow any regiment to a tee, the key to growing any plant is learning the skill of observation. Over time you will recognize what is going on without having to put too much thought into it. So even the best regiments may not be a one size fits all scenario. Maybe they rarely are?
Yes, I was admonished by the Advanced Nutrients grower support expert that said "did you see anywhere on our feed schedule to add CalMag?" I said no bashfully. I was following Tang's schedule to a tee and he added CalMag on every feed/water, so I thought I was good. The support expert said that there is enough Calcium and Magnesium in the base nutrients already. Always a learning experience. But I should be able to get some nice smaller buds from my Wedding Cake and learn from it. Thank you to all for the great tips!
Yup cal mag is something soil growers dont worry about too much unless they are reusing and ammending for another run from what I understand. Although I find it less stressful to just start with new soil each time but this can get expensive if you plan on expanding grows. I did have to add a tiny bit to my auto on this run though, but im not sure if its a deficiency or magnesium lockout from too much nitrogen as I have some pretty dark fan leaves. Autos are a new ball game for me so understanding how to feed is a learning process for me in that regard. They really dont need as much as photos and Im finding that out the hard way as I fed 2 full dose flower feedings about a month and a half ago and now late in flowering Im running into some minor problems.

adding all that CalMag is what probably caused a lockout. Foliar feed with some (1gr/4L water) magnesium sulfate and if the soil needs water, just pH'd water and some bacterial cultures like Bactrex (if you're in Europe) or something like Hydroguard if you're Stateside. These will help in getting the soil pH back at where it's suppose to be and start converting nutrients in the right amount.

Guuudluck :pass:
The foliar feed with Epsom Salts seemed to stem the tide on the yellowing. Now I can let it ride a bit longer to see if I can plump up these buds. Thank you!!
i find that around day 60+, you’ll start to see the natural fade of the fan leaves start setting in. I wouldn’t worry about it too much.

Remember that calcium is an immobile nutrient so not a ton of use in using a ton of it since it only goes to newer growth. On the flip side using too much can lock out your magnesium uptake which is a mobile nutrient. Always good to have some epsom salts on hand. I rarely add any calcium after the first couple weeks when I am feeding the seedlings at a lower dose of nutes.

You may be having a magnesium lockout. You could try some epsom at a teaspoon per gallon. It won’t fix the yellowing so much as it can help it from getting worse.
Thank you for the tip on Epsom Salts. That seems to have done the trick as the yellowing seems to have have stopped or at least slowed down a bit.
Thank you for the tip on Epsom Salts. That seems to have done the trick as the yellowing seems to have have stopped or at least slowed down a bit.
I don't like to do any foliar feeds in bloom. I do you use them experimentally in veg and pre-bloom, from time to time, to experiment. That is just me though. You can also add about a teaspoon per gallon of nutes - add after the nutes are mixed in and PH - and water it in. YMMV and all of that.