Nutrient burn from vermifire

That is too low for soil:

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Yeah I'm going to try to raise it. Any advice? Also do you have any experience with promix HP I'm a little confused whether I should be doing my pH as Hydro or as soil since it is a soil as mix. And there seems to be some issues with the ones I have in straight promix since the beginning if you look back at the thread
I literally have no cash to get it right there anything I can do with pH up?


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No ph up:redcard:
Have check my books tomorrow if there is others than experimentes plz, wait...i'll be here
:doh:--- okay, so one of these pots that was measured by the A8 probe and was OK or slightly high in alkalinity is now reading 5.0pH? Can you tell me specifically what is was before, and what you have added meantime since? The leaves at the top with that edge-in fade, could be Zn or maybe Cu defc. but not from pH lockout, they get more available with acidity, so probably a basic lack-of defc. there,... P will lock out fast under that pH though! ....pending confirmation and details, best thing to do is flush with 7.0+ water, something with hardness to it for the buffering minerals,... what's your tap water like? Hydrated lime is powerful stuff, right now fast too! I wouldn't go that route first, do a flush, with Ca-Mg in it, and a dash of nutes in final pour,.. as for the defc. issue, you'll need a micronutrient supplement, Earth Juice Microblast is great,... but you're out of budget now, so that's going see worsening meantime,... Did you do the straight Promix test yet? ... when you see symptoms like this starting, don't wait so long to deal with them,... now you're in a real jam catch-22 problem, with badly off pH and a micronutrient defc..... adding more food will lower pH more, and flushing will strip what little is left in there until you can get feeds going again,... with immobile nute elements like Zn/Cu/Fe etc., fixing them via soil treatment is slow as is, better to do a foliar spray,... but you need the micronute supp', and wetting agent (like Coco-Wet) to do the fastest fix,... only using Optic Foliar Transport will get it in faster, and that's out too,...
I'll update what the pH was at once I'm home and by my journal. I have added cal-mag and a light flowering nutrient. A couple days before that I watered with 7.0 water my tap is typically pretty good. It's what I use all the time. Unfortunately as I've said buying anything at all is just out of the question right now. I'm going to do the flush what nutrient dosage should I use after the flush and should I do it right away? I use Roots organic grow and Bloom as my nutriant. Also you mentioned a foliar feed should I be foliar feeding or water feeding the nutrients after the Flush? And what do you mean I should flush with Cal Mag do you mean every jug I pour through I should add Cal Mag to? I was unable to test the promix straight from the Bale as the Bale was already gone in all in use. Thank you for all your help @Waira you and @TheMongol have been great