Nute burn only?

she will finish better with more PK going in, if you can swing it,...
Hmmmm, the 24/0 thing,....maybe on the finish speed over an entire cycle, but with symptoms currently, I'd go down to 20/4 with no loss or troubles IMO,...
Not 3 weeks left, sooner maybe 10-14 days...
That last Tab is going in too late really; I'd dig it up, crumble and top dress, scratch in best you can,... it takes time to the tab to really start releasing nutes, longer than you have left, and with the wrong NPK balance for finishing stages...
Ok than, I dig out last tab and ordered Bio PK 5-8, will be here in 2 days. Shame I didnt do it before, was trying to save money. Thank you for helping.
To me it also looks like she may finish soon which is shorter than or exact as shortest time by Nirvana book 10-12 weeks and she is now exactly 8 weeks old. Maybe because this 24/0 thing, will change to 20/4 as you advice for better health.
I am posting few more pictures, which shows some lower buds, the small undeveloped ones with little light coming to them. I hope she would have more time than you predicted from previous photos.
First photo is top bud on one of the branches the rest are lower buds with not much development.
Sorry for to many questions, but I think I understand now better how to use biotabs for next grow. One thing I also dont know, with Silicium Flush (will buy for next grow), is how to use Starter Kit instrictions with it and especially with Orgatrex (if you know). There is nothing on website to explain but I hear there is no need for Orgatrex when using Silicium Flush. But there are not instructions that I am aware of it.







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In truth, the starter kit is incomplete without some PK booster IMO,... soil/tabs are pretty tapped by bloom, and the PK boost is beneficial for several reasons,... I like BioTabs, for PK boosting I had to use the dry tea version, you EU folks are lucky to get the liquid PK :thumbsup:
yeah, she's closer than I though, close-ups are best for this! Still since you are going organic, you can feed right up to harvest, never a need to "flush" or no-feed cleanse for a week+, that's a fading myth in general I'm hoping,...
They didn't have Si-Flash when I ran it, so I'm not sure either,.. contact them, I'm sure they will help you out!
she will finish better with more PK going in, if you can swing it,...
Hmmmm, the 24/0 thing,....maybe on the finish speed over an entire cycle, but with symptoms currently, I'd go down to 20/4 with no loss or troubles IMO,...
Not 3 weeks left, sooner maybe 10-14 days...
That last Tab is going in too late really; I'd dig it up, crumble and top dress, scratch in best you can,... it takes time to the tab to really start releasing nutes, longer than you have left, and with the wrong NPK balance for finishing stages...
Super, I was planing to flush it if I feed once twice with a PK now at the end. Good to know I dont need to, so I can feed her longer.
I think I will go ful strenght and do 3ml/L of Bio PK 5-8 first time as she didnt have any jet and if she react well maybe to continue 2ml/L. Thank you a lot!
You may comfirm or say your opinion on which strenght you avice for PK but I will not bother you anymore, feeling bad for all the time you spend here on me. Chears man!
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:smoker1: Nothing doing mate!, 'tis my "job" here!

Give a her the recommended dose, time's a-wastin', plus it will need a bit of time to breakdown and become available for uptake.... toss some extra Myco/Bactrex in too if you haven't lately,...
:smoker1: Nothing doing mate!, 'tis my "job" here!

Give a her the recommended dose, time's a-wastin', plus it will need a bit of time to breakdown and become available for uptake.... toss some extra Myco/Bactrex in too if you haven't lately,...
Purrely from attached photos, what does it look like to you?
Regardless of everything we spoke before.
It is not first plant I see those symtoms at tops of colas. I am just currious for next grows if dealing with the same symptoms.
For me it may look like nute burn, light stress or 'calcium issue?' !


Alas, it's not that simple mate,.. any number of things/combo's-of can cause those set of symptoms,... light stress can beat up the chlorophyll, bad VPD (a bad combo of T's and humidity that screws with transpiration) can cause a variety of symptoms in conjunction with the light stress overload,... even some normal color expression from the light too, such auxiliary pigments are often made to protect the more sensitive PS chlorophyll,...