Nursing back to health after horrific deer attack

The gorilla glue that was attacked horrifically by a deer seems to be in early flower. No idea what is next for this guy or how big it will (re)grow...
Happily surprised at how well these two are growing!! Gorilla glue was in flower when a deer got hungry and it’s flowering again!!! Candy Kush is doing well and appears to have two colas from its deer super top.

Gorilla Glue growing fast since Thursdays update!

Candy Kush:
Im not aware of any animal near me that has potential to eat plants in a similar fashion. Especially with deer hoof prints everywhere. Ever since the event, the deer fence protection has worked.
It's good to see your plants are recovering, it sucks to be robbed of bud that way and I can hardly believe they haven't gotten to mine. They're all over around my place. I know they come into my yard and rub on a pine tree about 30 feet from my plants. At this point I would flip clean out if they ate on my plants.
It's good to see your plants are recovering, it sucks to be robbed of bud that way and I can hardly believe they haven't gotten to mine. They're all over around my place. I know they come into my yard and rub on a pine tree about 30 feet from my plants. At this point I would flip clean out if they ate on my plants.
Put some wire cages around them. You never know when they are going to eat your favorite plant.
Put some wire cages around them. You never know when they are going to eat your favorite plant.
Y'know, I think I will do that. I have wire on hand and Murphy's Law is never far out of mind. Actually most are in containers so I could simply form a circular pen and put them in it.
Y'know, I think I will do that. I have wire on hand and Murphy's Law is never far out of mind. Actually most are in containers so I could simply form a circular pen and put them in it.

I wrapped tomato cages in plastic deer fencing and haven’t had an issue since! I also made a protected nursery for plants Of all kinds by making a deer fence growing space. Now my greatest enemy are snails and slugs thus far.
Now my greatest enemy are snails and slugs thus far.
This is good stuff for slugs and snails. Safe around cats, dogs, kids, and marijuana plants.
Garden Safe Brand Slug & Snail Bait
Garden Safe Brand Slug & Snail Bait contains a unique combination of iron phosphate, which is a plant nutrient that occurs in soils, with slug and snail bait additives.

After eating the bait, the slugs and snails cease feeding, become less mobile and begin to die within three to six days.

This product will control slugs and snails in or on home lawns, gardens, greenhouses, outdoor ornamentals, vegetable gardens, fruits, berries, citrus and crop plants.
