Indoor Nuglet is back - grow 6 Mephisto Toof Decay. Autopots & Bio Tabs

Sep 5, 2017
Reaction score
Currently Smoking
Short Stuff Gorilla Glue
Hey AFN dudes, its been a while - I've been popping back now and again after my last grow to keep an eye on things and keep learning...

Quick painful back history story - I harvested a sweet haul of Gorilla Glue back in Nov 2017. All jarred up and good to go for a few months supply.

The week before Christmas on one wet and stormy night we were broken into.

My secure (so I thought) out building was trashed & they took all my jars of goodies..

This really freaked me out - the thought of these scum being on my property and seeing what I've been up to and then the paranoia of them returning to menace my family was too much. I'm growing to ease my Crohns and Ankylosing spondylitis - just for me.

So I upped my home security, new high fencing, cameras everywhere - went into total paranoia overdrive which cost me financially dearly!

Removed all signs of growing and waited for 12 months or so before going again in a new site. Which is where I am now!

So thanks for listening & here we go...4 x Mephisto Toof Decay - approaching 3 weeks since popping.

RH is 65

Temp is 77

Growing under 315 CMH - 24/0 using the bio tabs starter kit.

First time on bio tabs so really excited what this will bring & have heard/read great things.

I've got two x 315's in there but only running one at the moment until they get a bit bigger.

Just given them their first spray of Boom Boom - which is why they're a little wet.

All seeds popped at different times - the lil fella was almost a week later than the big fella top right.

Think I'll have to stagger turning on the reservoir - the big 2 are almost ready. Have fitted inline isolating taps for each tray so should be easy enough.
1st boom boom .jpg
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Sorry to hear about your misfortune but glad you're up and running again.
Girls are looking good and healthy. TD is a real daytime favourite if mine. Just a lovely smoke.
Wouldn't worry about staggering the res too much as they'll all be on water being BioTabs. If anything the youngest might stretch its roots and catch up faster. :thumbsup:
Sorry to hear about your misfortune but glad you're up and running again.
Girls are looking good and healthy. TD is a real daytime favourite if mine. Just a lovely smoke.
Wouldn't worry about staggering the res too much as they'll all be on water being BioTabs. If anything the youngest might stretch its roots and catch up faster. :thumbsup:

Thanks Chronic, me too - its been too long & the excitement is back in my veins! I've heard TD is a great medical strain for what I've got going on.
Small update, all pots are now switched on - the smaller one is showing a bit of yellowing @Chronic_ passion any thoughts?
temp is ranging from 75 - 80. Rh is 65% - 70% - following VPD chart this time round. Still only on one CDM 315 at the moment. I've got a temp control intake hooked up for when it starts to heat up and that should kick in if we breach 81degrees. Musty cheesy smell starting to kick up!

All looking nice and healthy. No need to worry about the smaller one yet, she's still fighting fit.
I usually soak the pots on day 1 to slight run off then I don't water until about day 10. I'll then give 1/2 - 1ltr each and turn the res on. My biggest issue in the past was over watering in the first 2 weeks but with the method above I found it works wonders. You'll see the growth explosion soon enough. Keep on trucking :thumbsup: :pop:
All looking nice and healthy. No need to worry about the smaller one yet, she's still fighting fit.
I usually soak the pots on day 1 to slight run off then I don't water until about day 10. I'll then give 1/2 - 1ltr each and turn the res on. My biggest issue in the past was over watering in the first 2 weeks but with the method above I found it works wonders. You'll see the growth explosion soon enough. Keep on trucking :thumbsup: :pop:

Thanks Chronic would you mind keeping an eye on me, I could do with a wingman! - the girls are a welcome distraction in this lockdown but conscious of not giving them too much unneeded attention!
Yeah no worries. Beauty about AutoPots and BioTabs is you can just leave them to their own devices.
Are you going to try any LST or just let them do their own thing?
Yeah no worries. Beauty about AutoPots and BioTabs is you can just leave them to their own devices.
Are you going to try any LST or just let them do their own thing?

Thanks man, appreciate it. This grow is a welcome distraction from all the worry n all. Not sure on LST have done in previous grows to keep it under control bit. What dya think - I’m 3ft wide 6ft high. Any thoughts on when to start the other CDM lamp up? I was guessing early flower and space em accordingly?

Also got a bit confused on boom spray, have done it once - is it a once a week thing?
The one I grew wasn't massive (about 70cm) but then I was running cold (around 13⁰C) at night. Personally I'd leave them to do their own thing.
Wrt your second light... I haven't used those bulbs so the only advice is reflected on my experiences. I run my LEDs at full tilt from day 1. I start at 24" and let them grow 6" then raise the light 6". Then continue like that. So it's easy throw it in now. Early flower should only be 2 weeks away or so.
My next grow will be my first with Boom Boom spray. I assume it's weekly like the Ogratrex and PK 5-8 top feed?
I was think of of light stress I suppose, think I had that last grow but environment wasn’t as dialed in like I have it now, so they’re lookin pretty good & can probably take it. Would prob help keep night time temp up as well as that drops inside the tent a few clicks.

I’ve read/remembered different things about the BB - will go and find and report back! Ditto PK, I missed adding silic flash as i forgot it was ordered way back when and left it in the shipping box! ...Yeah I thought I’d go for 4 bit smaller plants this time round to minimise messing about, so think I’ll leave LST and let em do their own thing for once and hit em with a standard defol come the time.