Photoperiod Nudger's 2017 Multi Strain Grow - Photo's and Auto's - Light Dep UK Style

Here we go peeps, latest update on the THC Bomb photoperiod from Bomb Seeds.

She is a she! yay, just about got this one dialed in took a while was a bit light green for my liking, I did keep her in the previous pot a bit longer than I should have. Plain water with a top dressing of alfalfa and insect frass plus a decent foliar drench. Happy days budlets :smoking::smoking:

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Thanks for taking the time to look at my diary and everyone else who as popped in, really appreciate it. Photoperiods are not really being looked at that much since the closing of Potpros :( :thumbsup::thumbsup: @Roasty McToasty. I love all Mephisto strains where the Heisenberg Special is involved, one of my favourites to date. My Skysenberg is/was a mutant, the stem is like a flattened straw, topped itself more than once also got some leaf variegation, where one half is yellow and the other is green! its actually grown into a bit of a bush. Will post some pictures in the next day or so.

Very potent the THC Bomb and fast, well my last one was, got a feeling ive got a longer flowering one this time. Thanks for the link, ill check out your Skysenberg now :smoking::smoking:
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Just a couple of pics.

One of the Sour Dubbs x Querkle as just shown sex, shes a shew, good news as I am loving this plant so far, here she, repotted into some fresh amended soil and top dressed with bat guano. One more week then I will force flower UK light dep style, probably too early but you have to push that envelope, really want to see if I can get 3 finished harvests this season in the UK.


Here Mephisto's Skysenberg, top dressed with bat guano, bone meal and small bit of alfalfa, mainly just plain water and Terpinator, going to be one frosty lady.

Bonjour Budlets

Hope your all having a super day where ever you are, sun is shining in the UK today.

Latest update for my Green Poison Fast Version by Sweet Seeds -

In the conservatory today lapping up the sun, recently potted up into the final and have started the light deprivation process, actually put this one the conservatory a few weeks ago causing the plant to stretch a bit due to lack of light, so put back under the LEDS plus defoliated a bit in attempt to slow down the the central stems, seem to have worked. Just fed with an Ecothrive Biosys tea.

Next up is the second Sour Dubble x Querkle by Hammerhead, still awaiting sex so have not potted as yet, really hoping the plant turns out to be a male as I would love some pollen, really did not expect the 4 photos to all be females. Basically fed the same and is out sunbathing today as well, Good times budders

Yeah, I was asked a few years ago to join UK420 and help a bit with outdoor grows. Gawd the amount of shit I have had to deal with there is too much.

Your plants are looking great as always man!!! Nicely grown. I am on the verge of getting real internet...once I do I will be around the photo section more. Give it some time...the photo section will be alive again!! Take it easy.
Yeah, ive seen a bit buddy, can be a bit narrow at times.

Thankyou, very happy with the plants so far, just hope I can keep them sweet till the end.

And, yes I hope so, ive noticed it is picking up, be good to see some photoperiod test grows, especially with breeders like Bomb Seeds, Sweet Seeds that have photoperiod options, think it would generate some good interest especially when people see the results @912GreenSkell, could have a photo test team alongside the auto testers or something like that.