Outdoor Northern Lights, Malana bomb, balcony

Jun 3, 2014
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The nl is on day 2, dropped 2 beans of malana bomb in a big pot of compost today.
The soil for the nl is peat moss perlite and vermiculite, mostly compost for the malanas.
I'll give garden nutes to the nl and bat guano to the malanas.
Not expecting much as usual, but being able to grow is the most important;)
Nl day 2


See you guys, I'll try to update once a week or so
One quick advice, your soil looks really wet, do not water whole pot, just one inch or 3cm around stem and let that soil dry, unfortunately if you have watered whole pot the rest of the pot will be drying looong time coz roots can't reach there, also salts from nutes can quietly build up in the far corners and you risking nute burn in late stages of your grow
Also wet soil is best playground for every bug and slows oxygen input for roots this leads to slower grow and stunting your plants as I did :-D
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I've got no choice, it's the rainy season where I live, but it should be ending anytime soon, btw nice grow mate
Lil tip for ya, take your fork and '' plow ''
Your soil everytime you can you can go like inch deep everywhere in your pot but keep your safe zone in around your flowers, like 5cm around your stem.
This will speed up drying of your soil and boost oxygen flow. It can really help ya
PS dunno what units are more suitable for ya cm/inches
No it's my 7th, I count in cm, I know they look little but I got to stay very discreet so it's ok for me got to stay stealth