Indoor northen lights auto grow journal

i wud pick them for out doors 100%. there robust and temperture high or low resistant. iv do about 7 grows and in total 5 of them was northern light. there also pest resistant too which will help with out doors. thank you hope you enjoy my journal.
so went to check temperture before lights effected it, was i know the dark time temperture so thought i'll get pictures for everyone to see in more natural light. just let u know the sock on the fan is slow the intake to make it warmer. what to keep the temps close has possible. when lights on the temp is 79f and off is 72f. so happy with that. i know it could be better but there so healthy not that worried. 20150421_170412.jpg20150421_170409.jpg20150421_170409.jpg20150421_170409.jpg


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update day 34
hi, people hope all is well. wasnt going to an update for a while so you's could see a real difference but fuck me the growth off these are amazing so thought i will do it now.

iv only give them a little grow nutes. they will get more tonight. iv aslo give the seaweed fertilizer for trace mins. theres 1 600w hps but plan to add another in about a week or so.

first pictute from day 30 and the rest from day 34.
day 30

day 34

update day 41
hi people. been trying to get you's an update for a while. iv been taking picture so here's a few. so for the last 2 weeks have give them feeds. i gradually changed over to flowering nutes. and they was given molleses last night for the first time.

iv add another 1foot and an half on the my boxes as u can see. the bigest plant is 4 foot tall, there another 3 that are 3 foot and the rest are 2.5 foot but think 2 of them might reach 3 foot.


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i left the peace of wood there so u could see how much i add to the box. cant beleive the thc on the buds. only 41 days from seeds aswell. all really heathly cant wait till its done now. lol.
Hi learn,
I've got some nirvana nl going right now. Getting close to chop. Its my first auto grow so probly not the best but you gotta start somewhere. Your plants are looking good from here man keep it up.