Outdoor North east Ontario auto grow

Very nice neighbour, they look happy n healthy

Picked up 15 of those exact same bags this week myself.

Excited to see your seed project!
Not all texada time warp are autos just to clear that up. I have read and heard that TT was mixed with a Canadian rudirelas plant years ago I think I got that phenol in my TTx NL. Next week or so I will put out Magnums 7 Think different 7. Sweet Seeds sweet skunk auto 1 speed 1 jack 47 1. Photo periods are kalashnikova 5 Psicodelica 1 Gh and Sweet seeds 44 plants in total I do not sell either I grow for personal only and for a dear friend who has wasting desiese. I hope some of you find a Ontario outdoor grow cool PEACE AN POT
Amazing grow !! Gonna be fun to watch ... :Sharing One:
Update pics I will sort out what's what but no males in my TT x NL which sucks out of 23 I was hoping for at least three or four. I can get away with tarps where I live. It:peace: keeps slugs at bay and nutrient sucking weeds at bay too. All are out as of yesterday yahoo


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Nice to see you gottem all out man. They look very happy, reg seeds and no males outta 23 is pretty wild. May the weather be with us!

Looking good FN ... :Sharing One:
I would like to thank gilly and chester for following my 23rd season of outdoor growing and too all the breeders for refining the rudirelis genetics to the point where I can grow heavy sativa indica x rudi genetics and hopefully not tell the difference from a photo to a super auto.
I'm just here looking for inspiration ... Like the use of tarps ... :Sharing One:
Right on Chester I tell you it reduces stress by 100 fold tarps under the grow bag slugs can ruin a hold back the best of plants in my area and when using plastic bags you dig a tiny hole the size of the bag or wee bit bigger to reduce nutrient loss when they are really dry. Another tip to pass along do not go by rain oh it rained good last night no need to water no go out and water it or at least check it makes a huge difference when they are relying on you to water them. ANy input would be appreciated with anything you think might help You never ever know enough period

- - - Updated - - -

THE FEW THAT LOOKED STRETCHED a bit were moved to their new area. The one that looks deficient it is a oddball the odd leaf has no cloraphyl on one side of the leaf other than that looking great. My jack47 is a two headed monster lol more pics later on today. The magnum are looking beautiful along with the TD. I settled on sensi grow an bloom ph perfect along with botinacare tea as a organic supplement to bring out the geat taste without sacrificing yield
Great grow you have going, and I like your grow bags!