Outdoor North east Ontario auto grow


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Apr 25, 2014
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ALL AUTOS BABY and some photos
Hello Mates I am new here but not to the herb it has been a part of my life for 36 years. I am no master grower I still make mistakes but learn from them. I ordered up Think different 7 of them and 10 magnums and some auto freebies from sweet seeds auto sweet skunk FEMINIZED UFO #3 Sweet Seeds Psicodelicia FEMINIZED UFO #31FREEFreebie/BOGOFFEMINIZED UFO #4 Sweet Seeds AUTO Jack 47
FEMINIZED UFO #51FREEFreebie/BOGOFFEMINIZED UFO #2 Sweet Seeds Sweet Cheese Fast Version
FEMINIZED UFO #21FREEFreebie/BOGOF.Easier to paste. I also have a strain called texada timewarp x nothern lights the back story on them is I got some seeds from a Canadian breeder that showed auto traits but not all I got 22 more seeds this year and are all popped. The guy I got the seeds off was not happy with the texada timewarp he got so he kept some hardy mommas and left the rest of the seeds well I got the last 22 beans ttxnl I hope a find a keeper because they are done in August. I thought I could just order more of the same seeds this year but as I said he went a different direction. I had them under 24 hour t5 at the begining when they started to show pistols I immediately thought auto but I could have cloned it. As I said to myself I can just get more next year. Bottom line is I have some genetics that show auto traits but can be cloned. Anyhow as soon as they are outside in the great wide open marshy spaces of ontario north east I will have pics galore. I will use advance nutrients Mother Earth tea full strength not as a inhancer. Kiss is my method and there tea has everything you need to grow huge efficient plants. I do give one feed of ton o bud but that is it. Any suggestions are greatly appreciated. Ps I grow in five to ten gallon bags depending on the strain and use pro mix bx the best growing medium out there IMO
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Sounds interesting fairly new, lookin forward to you grow and pics galore

Starting a few DP Frisian Dew this weekend and planting in June plus some autos I have left over from the winter, waiting to get my hands on some mob99

Are you using pot/swamp buckets in the marsh or straight into earth?

Iuse grow bags in swampy situation I let the water asorb through the holes on the bottom of the bag and concentrate the nutes because they are wet all the time my favourite is swamp bogs where you need to wear hip waiters to get to it no chance of animals getting at yer crop on a bog. when the tap root hits the warter use time realease and come back when done
I will be taking pics soon I have 21 sprouted. I gurillea grow right in my back yard heck I had a moose in my front yard lol. Since I do not have far to go I will use those woven root pouches with handles they look good better than plastic bags, Anyone had any experience with the root pouch Bags? I will use Micro grow bloom ph perfect advanced nutrients as prescribed grow and bloom along with mother earth tea bloom I do not see the need to buy grow tea. the tea is also advanced nutrients. Years past I used Miracle grow and mother earth tea but this year I am going all out pics of babies by the weekend of ttxnl which should by all rights show auto traits the beans I grew last year showed pistils under 24 hour veg with a bank of t5's
I'm using root pouches for my veggies on a tiered stand but now that you mention it I think they'd work damn good. How high above water line would you go? I was thinking 16 inches. Handles are handy...... Pro mix is super light to move with some compost added

You use time release after indoor? I have osmocote 16-16-16 but people advised me not to use it here

I think the 20 gallon root pouches would pump some monsters
you are right there I am not going into the marshes this year sorry if I gave you that thought but heck yea you will grow monsters. If you can get to them feed them some regular base nutrients just make sure you concentrate them and spread it to the outside of the pouch I have done that with great success in the past I would use maricle grow all purpose take a two litre jug but put enough in for 10 litres make it real blue. the next watering next week or so would be straight water. then reapeat until done. just correct the amount for the size of the container you use. Bogs I would till the crap out of them put shiteloads of perlite an vermiculite in some blood bone meal make sure there is no acidy trees on the bog if so add lime and test ph but look for one that does not. feed them with regular food when the roots hit water find a quick time release for autos and come back on or around due date.
I was just out fer a rip and I visited a few spots, the water table is near soil surface so think a root pouch partially buried in the soil might be the trick if I can't find more suitable spots, I would have decent access, but ya, sorry for jacking your thread, all the best man

no worries mate it is a work in progress. Anyway I can help I will. PEACE AN POT

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some pics

The story on these is I got some beans three years ago off of a BC breeder. Texada Timewarp x Northernlights .I grow all my seedlings in veg stage under t5 8 bank mixed 24 hour light regime. Well last year I popped the beans I had when they hit around two feet high under 24 hour lights I saw pistils developing. Well out of 5ive females I got out of 15 or so beans I had I gave a few to a friend who was in need. But the first week of august I had 7 foot beautiful plants. I got ahold of the breeder he told me he bought a whole crop of T.T full of seed. it turned out to be a cross too He bred with skunk and N.L he was not happy with the outcome and changed his direction. But he said I have 50 or so beans left and would give me half. So Iam hoping for a strong early male and a female that shows pistils under 24 hours of light. BAM let the breeding begin. I am not 100% sure if there is auto in them but I have heard of a T.T mixed with a Canadian rudiralis just recently. We have had a strain in Canada that is called mighty mite done the second week of August it has been around for twenty plus years I wonder if it got mixed into the genetics. I have question for some super auto growers do you think we can clone a super auto and has anyone done it. These plants have had zero nutes just water and soiless mix called pro mix bx


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I see a lot of soil and petemoss mixed with perlite and vermiculite grows adding nutrients imo way to soon. And Toilet paper is a better medium to use for germination than paper towels. no tearing fragile tap root and the air gets in so much better make a fairly thick matt of two ply wet it place seeds on top then cover with dry peice doubled over two ply. Keep the surrounding temps good and warm I have a lot better sucsess rate than I ever did using paper towel imo

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These are last years non auto but no nutrients until that day. I never missed a beat no burn no holding back it is only a weed and less is more haste makes waste


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