
This is my method of checking ph. With a pool water tester. A bit crude and also a bit of a guess as you can see by the picture. Maybe it's not good enough?
Yeah those work in a pinch but it leaves a bit up to subjection. I would get a decent pH meter and maybe even a PPM/EC meter. I use BlueLab ones and they're great. A little pricey but they calibrate up each time with no issues and have lasted me years so far.
Or consider switching to highly chelated base nutes that don't require pH adjustment (when used with low ppm/EC water), such as the AN pH Perfect products.

[Not explicitly recommended by the manufacturer] I've been using for multiple grows and I've seen a few reports of others using MegaCrop 2-part without any pH adjustment. My results are just as good, maybe better, as with pH Perfect. So there are other options to weigh against having to put out a good amount of $ for a good pH instrument and cumulatively putting in a lot of time measuring and adjusting pH (and adding more salts to do this),