Noob 1st time set up advice.

Hmmmm. The instructions in the package said to rinse with distilled water after each use, then store in storage solution.

I just did some general research on pH pens and you are definitely correct. It seems the manual I got with the pen is different than the manual that Milwaukee has online. The manual with the pen says to never store it in 7 buffer solution, but the online manual says to do exactly that. Odd.

Pen is calibrated and reading correctly in 7.0 and 4.0 so hopefully no harm done. Thanks for the insight.
I beleave you can store it in 4.0 solution but just tap water is ok but hanna says 4.0 and bluelab says tap water as i just got myself a bluelab combo meter and that says about the probe it dries it dies lol
New plan.

I'm planting my next round of germed seeds today. Got 100% germ using paper towel method. 1 seed is obviously a spunky little lady and put out a tap almost an inch long in 24 hrs.

I decided to wait on the Coco only grow until I get the indoor rig up an running. I bit off more than I can chew with the Coco. Here's what I'm going with.

Decided to use that black magic potting soil. I mixed it 50/50 with Coco and probably 30% perlite to cool it off. The mix is homogenous.

I filled and watered my 3 gal fabric pots. Water I used to soak the pots was RO with 1/4 strength cloneX and 1/2 strength CalMag recommended for RO fortify. pHd to 6.1 @ 270ppm.

I slurried the soil mix before the pre soak. pH 6.5 @ 250ppm.

Here's the question. I soaked the pots with about a gallon of the mixed water each...I hand mixed in the pot to make sure there were no dry pockets. I've left the pots outside for a 24hrs to dry up a bit...

Should I water the entire pot again before planting the seed or just water the small area where the seed is being dropped? Moisture probe reads nice and moist at bottom of the pot, but most of the info I've read says to water just a bit where the seed goes in. Like how much water are we talking about and should I pH, cal mag and cloneX that small amount?I'm guessing the idea is to create a moist highway to the bottom of the pot

I'm worried about the root not diving since that's what killed my last attempt.
New plan.

I'm planting my next round of germed seeds today. Got 100% germ using paper towel method. 1 seed is obviously a spunky little lady and put out a tap almost an inch long in 24 hrs.

I decided to wait on the Coco only grow until I get the indoor rig up an running. I bit off more than I can chew with the Coco. Here's what I'm going with.

Decided to use that black magic potting soil. I mixed it 50/50 with Coco and probably 30% perlite to cool it off. The mix is homogenous.

I filled and watered my 3 gal fabric pots. Water I used to soak the pots was RO with 1/4 strength cloneX and 1/2 strength CalMag recommended for RO fortify. pHd to 6.1 @ 270ppm.

I slurried the soil mix before the pre soak. pH 6.5 @ 250ppm.

Here's the question. I soaked the pots with about a gallon of the mixed water each...I hand mixed in the pot to make sure there were no dry pockets. I've left the pots outside for a 24hrs to dry up a bit...

Should I water the entire pot again before planting the seed or just water the small area where the seed is being dropped? Moisture probe reads nice and moist at bottom of the pot, but most of the info I've read says to water just a bit where the seed goes in. Like how much water are we talking about and should I pH, cal mag and cloneX that small amount?I'm guessing the idea is to create a moist highway to the bottom of the pot

I'm worried about the root not diving since that's what killed my last attempt.
You should always water the entire pot. If soil, peat or coco are allowed to dry out they can become hydrophobic (repels water). It makes it hard to re-wet the medium. You can end up with the dry pockets you mention. Use a surfactant in your fertigation if this happens to you. I run yucca powder as a basic item in my drip to waste hydro. It is a natural surfactant. Good for foliar feeds also.