Just a quick question is it day 7 from germanation or from when it sprouted first set of leaves? just curious as to when other people start counting days
Just a quick question is it day 7 from germanation or from when it sprouted first set of leaves? just curious as to when other people start counting days
you don't have to but to get the best unrestricted root development you should
this is the reason i use larger foam cups from fast food or gas station because you can peel off styrofoam off w/o damage to roots easier than you can cut the harder "solo" plastic cups that are smaller and give less room for tap root extention
as far as counting goes i always put in clear cup w/ papertowel over the seeds and let soak submerged overnight
then empty out water
once i see a pop i lightly place into a cup only slightly covering root w/ medium and making sure leaf is above soil so it will get more light than a seed pushing through a 1/4 to a 1/2 of soil
but you must monitor moisture levels for the first several days as root will be very shallow and moisture on top of cup will be gone faster than further down where root doesn't reach
this is the reason i place a bag over the cup th.o lessen evaportion
but this way the new leaf is immediately absorbing light for energy instead of relying on internal stored seed energy for the push through soil
the bag is to lessen evaporation that is rapid under most higher temp lights giving a humidity beffer to the tiny plant as it feels out it's new environment
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