Indoor NL Auto-1-plant-grow transition to AutoCob and MegaCrop.

Day 49: Had an issue with over feeding and the tent being too small and so the light was way too close...all that resolved now. :)

Went back to feeding what works:
2 gm MegaCrop per gallon
.7 gm Sweet Candy per gallon
.5 gm per gallon Bud Explosion.
1 tsp Cal-Mag (w/o N)

Room stays between 40 and 50% RH and the temp keeps between 75 and 77 deg f.



Day 51: (for the big plant)
Day 18: (for the middle size plant)
Day 3: (for the little sprout)

Tied the middle sized plant down after topping yesterday. This is all I'm going to do for now.
The big plant is going along, I can't wait until the buds fatten up into something good...I'm getting impatient.
Keeping an eye on the little sprout, other than some stretch, he's doing ok for now.

The big plant drank almost a gallon of water since yesterday....yikes!

My feeding plan for the middle size and the sprout will be this: just PH water until they let me know that something else is needed or they go into flowering, then I'll see if they need PKBoost or something. Otherwise, the FFOF should be enough for them.

Day 56 for the big plant
Day 22 for the middle sized plant
Day 7 for the sprout.

Temp 75-77 F.
RH 45%
Nutes dropped the MC down to 1.5 gm per gallon and upped the PK Bud Explosion to .7gm Everything looks great so far. I upped the CalMag to 1.5 tsp per gallon and the Sweet Candy remains at .7gm per gallon. Still feeding roughly half dose or slightly less.

Today was transplant day for the sprout. Her roots were just starting to poke out of the windows in the solo cup. She's about the same size as the middle sized one when I transplanted her. She's taller (more stretchy) so I buried her stem a bit to shorten it up. I planted her with the inner solo cup intact...we'll see how that goes. I watered the Autopot about an hour before I transplanted and let it run off in the tub. I made a solo-cup shaped hole and then put her in and wet the top down to settle any air bubbles between her and the surrounding dirt. Everything looks good.

The branches I broke on the big one are already curling up to the light and other colas are getting taller to take their place. I THINK that this is the last of the branch snapping.

The middle sized one is fully tied down and looking good. I've been watering over the top when I can stick a finger to my first knuckle and the dirt is dry. I water so that there is a slight run off but not a bunch..probably about 32 oz at a time max.

Far out.
This looks outstanding.

I think I'm about 18 days behind you.
I too am hoping for big budz.
Day: 66.
Feeding the same 1/2 nute schedule but I cut down a bit further on the MC while slightly upping the PKB.

Everything else the same.

She's doing great, she's getting huge and the buds are getting more well-formed.

I do have a bit of a Mag issue but that's being taken care of.

I'm thinking...1.5 to 3 more weeks and she comes down.
