Indoor Nizmo grows again!!

Double grape and rqs royal cheese might not make it cotyledons aren't really open and they have really small miniature leafs. I will probably give them another day and pulled them.

I dropped a HBSS from mephisto into warm water to soak then into paper towel.
So this is the 3rd seed that doesnt really move from this stage..
All 3 different seeds I doubt it.. I'm guessing it's the old age of the seeds and not being stored properly but who knows. I will continue popping till they out lol

(me jus luv watchin AFN Mystery can be such a thinkin man'z show sumtimez :coffee: ppp)
Day 16 for my sour livers. I did some ponytail yesterday and it worked like a charm.

Also, she was given 16oz cup of water with a couple drops of remo nutrients just the grow and micro.

Forgot to mention she is now accompanied by a HBSS by mephisto aswell for those whonarent familiar with her its hubbabubbasmelloscope. Day 1 is today as she popped up and has her leaves already. She's been spotted in final pot this time, it is a 5gal fabric pot maybe a bit smaller
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