Photography Nirvana Short Rider

WEEK 9 Flower NSR 001.jpgHave had the Iolites for almost 4 years now. Got the black one then the newer green version. I've had no issues with them. They all have worked perfectly for 100's of vapes. You need to use Vector butane. Really that's the best that I've used. Every now and then you'll need to clean old butane out. Just fill and discharge two or three butane fills. This really helps keep the units working hotter. One draw back that I've found is. You vape more than you smoke. I can do a few hits on a One-Hitter and be buzzed for awhile. It takes a little more vapeing to get the same buzz. The high on an Iolite is a lot cleaner; totaly diffrent. I know people that cannot stand vaping. They would rather smoke. I tell people, "I don't smoke pot" when asked about weed. And that's the truth. :D

I've guerilla grown for years and I tell nobody about my use of cannabis. NOBODY!!! The Iolte is perfect because there is no odor after the 1st 3 or 4 mininutes. I'd get another one if I needed to. :peace:
Great endorsement of the Iolite ... probably be my next vape ... :bong: