Photography Nirvana Short Rider

I have the Box in my Den. At 1st I had it hidden in the corner. The temps went that high and higher. What I do is move the Box out of the corner during the day and keep the A/C at 65F-70F. Direct the cool air onto the Box. You'll see about a 10-12 degree increase in the Box. My average weekly temp is 80F-68F. That's lights on and lights off. Two fans in the unit. As long as you have enough air movement higher temps seem not to bother the Shorties. I lst'd one of the Shorties that worked well. I move the Girls up and down from the lights by using inverted plant containers. I use SmartPots and they are by far the best method. I've had good results so faf. Just check out some of my threads. Best of luck, Mac!:thumbs:
Got the Bubbles last year for an outdoor grow. They are going to be my next SuperBox grow. In fact started them today. Two Starter pellets that were soaked in SuperThrive (gotta have this). Chinese food tray that I layered some wet perlite. Just popped the seeds into the wet pellets; covered with clear cover. Popped it in the SuperBox. No papertowel or soaking. We'll see how that goes.:head:
SuperBox Updated Photo

SuperBox Nirvana Short Rider Grow; Week 8 from seed. They got at least another 3 weeks to go. Very green still; huge bud sites. Very happy with my 1st indoor grow.

Starting some Bubblicious now. They are just popping out. NSR Week #8 001.jpg
Week 9 Stopped All Nutrients and ready to flush

WEEK 9 Flower NSR 004.jpgWEEK 9 Flower NSR 007.jpgWEEK 9 Flower NSR 003.jpgWEEK 9 Flower NSR 002.jpgWEEK 9 Flower NSR 001.jpgNirvana Short Rider Week 9 from seed. Starting the final flushing tomorrow. Stopped all nutrients. Tricombs are cloudy. Saw one or two amber tricombs on #1 Gonna water plant for two weeks and then harvest. Paper bag dry/cure.
Got my new supply of Vector butane: Charge the two Iolites; Ready to go. Still have at least two weeks of flushing. Then the paper/bag cure. The good thing with the Iolite. A test Vape is possible. :drool:
This is my 1st indoor grow. I've Guerilla grown for many years. Living in New England I was lucky that I could get a good yield before the killing frosts hit. Now I can control the "weather". When I grew outside. I set the soil up with nutrients and let mother nature take it's course. Sometimes I had to harvest before the girls were ready. Now I can let them get as ripe as I want. It's a good feeling looking at my grow. I've had a few problems with container growing. All in all it's been a lot of fun. Got two Bubblicious' greminating now for my next attempt. Sort of worried about this grow. I had the first two just sprout and dropped dead. Never had this happen to me before. My germinations have been 100% sucessful. This is the first time I had a damping off problem. I've cleaned the germination area real good. Starting two new beans. Let's see how that goes. Wish I could share my bud with ya. Vape On!!!:clap:
Awsum girls loades of budds :)

Why u got 2 lolites?
1 in eatch hand? ^^
Would u recomend em strongly?
Gona buy a vape either lolite or atmosrx hard decition ^^