Indoor Nirvana Blue Mystic-ShortRyder

When you said the tap root should dive from day one, is this what you are talking about? Can you guesstimate how much of this grew in the first 10 days? Starting in a tall foam tapered cup, it can only go down.

ShortRyder.:Sharing One:
Considering the post number, which I wouldn't drop in anyone elses thread, and I don't really want in mine, I'm just going to spend it on a prayer meeting..

"AFN smoke out":karma Cloud:
I never paid much attention to tap roots and always assumed that a serious runt was probably caused by tap root troubles ... after seeing the tap roots from my recent grow I realize I don't know what I thought I knew ... that looks like a nice tap root. On my smaller SMR the tap root was an extension of the trunk staying thick as a pencil almost to the end @ 7" below the soil ... the larger SMR had no tap toot at all and had a base like a pumpkin or a fruit ... the Jock's roots looked very similar to the ones in your photo ... I'm going to start paying more attention to the roots, maybe it will help me to be a better grower.

I would guess about 4-6 inches grew in the first 10 days ... :tiphat:
the larger SMR had no tap toot at all and had a base like a pumpkin or a fruit ... the Jock's roots looked very similar to the ones in your photo ... I'm going to start paying more attention to the roots, maybe it will help me to be a better grower.

I would guess about 4-6 inches grew in the first 10 days ... :tiphat:

That is about what I figured once they get rolling, an inch a day easy. After a few days to get started.

I just broke down and ordered another set of those top hat 105W CFLs. They come in pairs for $23us. After the predicted short count, I need a home run on the next go. I'll be lucky for a Z from SR, The Blue is hard to tell. I'm dropping one Auto Blueberry and my freebee Auto Grapefruit Punch today. By the time they are ready for the light, the cab should be empty, and the new lights here. I'll use them for veg sidelight to supplement the New LED at the end of next month. Unless the new ones are as power hungry as the last two. Then they are shop lights.
:Sharing One:
I'd love to grow a wacky fruity weed some time ... maybe once I graduate deficiencies 101 I'll try something fancy ... I look at roots as spelunkers ... they need wiggle room and O2 to move and live ... I'd love to try a Hempy perlite grow w/ a partial soil tab ... I credit my success to loose soil for fast root growth ...
I'd love to grow a wacky fruity weed some time ... maybe once I graduate deficiencies 101 I'll try something fancy ... I look at roots as spelunkers ... they need wiggle room and O2 to move and live ... I'd love to try a Hempy perlite grow w/ a partial soil tab ... I credit my success to loose soil for fast root growth ...

How wacky fruity does Grapefruit Punch sound? I'd never heard of it until I got it as a freebee. I've heard Auto Blueberry is more sensitive to nutes so I want to watch the one before dropping the two more.
How wacky fruity does Grapefruit Punch sound? I'd never heard of it until I got it as a freebee. I've heard Auto Blueberry is more sensitive to nutes so I want to watch the one before dropping the two more.
I'm doing one now, I love the growth so far.
She's 8 weeks one day, by the looks of her she will be done in about 2 weeks and give me about an ounce. Shes in a 1 gal pot along with more in a SOG arrangement. If given proper root space she would be a monster. She's very easy to grow and can take all the nutes I give her. At first she had an intense grapefruit smell, its toned down a lot. Looks like more sativa than anything. I'm definitely going to grow her again.
Day 91

This BlueMystic is close to finishing and is starting to smell dank. No flower smell this time.

I have thrown the term "Mutant" around pretty loosely throughout this grow from day one and although she has shown many traits, they seem to be a result of the bad start rather than the cause.
The cause turned out to be when the inner husk stuck to the shoot and tore it off at the tip. When that membrane sticks, it usually is only holding the cotyledons shut tight. This time it ripped the tip of the plant off, predestined to be the top, it sprouted at the base. All the mutations stem from the stress from this trauma, in my opinion.
Many plants have hermed from much less stress so I'll consider myself lucky that she just made more buds instead.


The yellowish globs at the top of this last picture are pistils ready to extend from the largest calyxes I've seen yet. Not much amber yet.
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