Indoor Next up - Barney's Watermelon Zkittles

Day 47...

Looking better. Took most of the bad leafs off from the deficiency and it's looking like a plant again.
Hello everyone, I'm at it again.

This time I am going to run a Barney's Watermelon Zkittles in some Happy Frog soil. This is my second run for the strain, loved the first batch and had a crazy yield from it (9 oz +).

My little baby poked her head up this morning, so calling it day 1.
View attachment 1566122

Medium: FFHF soil
Container: 5 gal fabric pot
Light: Gixxer1000 (100 watt) to start
Nutrients: Fox Farm Trio
Tent: 24"x48"x80"

Just water for now, she'll get some nute starting in a couple of weeks.

Thanks for stopping by.
Word I’ll def follow along. I just ran a runtz x layer cake from Barney’s and dat bitch was gaassss!!

Seven gallon pots in a four by four for reference…can’t wait to see what yours brings. Good luck 🍀
Watermelon runts didn't make it. Whatever got her, nute burn - over watering - poor conditions....whatever it was she never recovered.

Lessons learned - water every other day. Half the nutes. Balance out VPD (not sure how to do this yet, but have plenty to read up on)
Oh noooooo!!!! Sorry to hear that @DetroitDarren… hopefully the next run brings something better for your efforts!!
Good luck on the next one.
Using well water. Ph is between 6.5 and 6.8. I don't have an ec pen, what is that one for.... (We have too many tools)
The EC pen will tell you what your nutrient strength is.
It’s always good to check the EC (ppm) of your well water then add nutrients based on the stage of growth your plant is in. You should have been around 1.3 EC or about 650 PPM when you first started noticing the problem. For example…. If your well water is already somewhere around 300 PPM and you’re adding nutes based on the manufactures recommendations you might be raising your PPM well above 650 and cause burn. I use R/O water that’s around 10 ppm compared to my tap water that’s close to 300 and I’m able to bring my ppm up to 650 with nutrients I know my plants will actually use and never over fertilize. EC (ppm) pens are fairly cheap, Amazon sells them for around $20