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Your plants look fine. Do not fertilize until the plants ask for it. They will start to turn lime green when it is time. Never feed single nutrients - EVER. You must always add nutrients in balance. Once you get a pot out of balance it is very difficult to get it back. If you continue to use Distilled or RO water when you start feeding on the days you feed add 50 PPM of Cal-mag to the water before you mix in the other nutrients. Be sure to mix them in the order of the chart.
Learn about balance here:
The proper use of “salt” based fertilizer to grow Auto Flowering Cannabis. Salts: Natural and man made any chemical compound formed from the reaction of an acid with a base, with all or part of the hydrogen of the acid replaced by a metal or other cation. Learning how to use salt based...
Get calibration fluid for your PH pen ASAP. PH is absolutely important.
Here is a schedule to use for your nutrients. Use this chart at about 50% - 60% strength for Autoflowering plants EC of .7 to 1.2 max. Remember flushing is for Coco not soil.
Start with a Fertigate, water, water, water repeat cycle to start.
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