7 days drying - small plant, so even with ideal conditions went kinda quick, stems weren’t completely snapping 100% but outside edges of buds were feeling “crispy” so I went for it - most of the time it was 52%RH and 72F
18.6 grams of tops and nice full buds
2.9 grams of thinner lowers
21.5 grams total harvest
Subtract a half gram for this blaze test

So that’s exactly 21 grams in the 1 ounce grove bag set to cure for 6-8 weeks now - not even gonna bother with hygrometer or bovedas- these bags should work perfect and everythingseems fine
In the grove bag it smelled like blueberrys and classic hashish smells
Ended up being about twice as much as I thought it would be
What a fun grow! Can’t wait to do a smoke test in a couple weeks and grow some more plants - thanks for all the help everyone - I truly appreciate the pointers, tips, helpful comments , jokes and friendly interactions - this has given me something to look forward to during these pandemic times
cheers !