Indoor Next up - Barney's Watermelon Zkittles


Bud conessuier
Cultivators Club
Mar 15, 2022
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Hello everyone, I'm at it again.

This time I am going to run a Barney's Watermelon Zkittles in some Happy Frog soil. This is my second run for the strain, loved the first batch and had a crazy yield from it (9 oz +).

My little baby poked her head up this morning, so calling it day 1.

Medium: FFHF soil
Container: 5 gal fabric pot
Light: Gixxer1000 (100 watt) to start
Nutrients: Fox Farm Trio
Tent: 24"x48"x80"

Just water for now, she'll get some nute starting in a couple of weeks.

Thanks for stopping by.
Remember when watering soil you need to wet it all so the microbes don't die. FFHF may have enough nutrient to last 3-4 or more weeks. When the plant starts to turn light lime green it is time to fertilize.

This chart from Fox Farm is for Photoperiod plants so use it at about 60% strength or .9EC 450PPM to 1.3EC 650PPM on the Hanna 500 scale not counting your starting water. The easiest way to keep everything in balance is to mix a gallon at the listed strength then just add water until you get to the PPM you want. Start feeding based on the maturity of the plant not the number of weeks. Autos have their own calendar. It is especially important in FF not to overfeed, having to flush almost always buggers something up.


So I kind of hate the start of a grow.... everything moves so slow during the first few weeks. She showed her second set of leaves.

So right now she is getting tap water and 24 hours of light. Nothing special just waiting, watching the grass grow...
Things are starting to move along. Got the third set of leaves and the side shoots are starting to grow....about time!


Feeding her some fish fertilizer (5-1-1) to help get her going
popped one into water today too! just a month back, so I'll sneak around.
Day 43

After some set backs with the nute burn, lesson learned, she's looking good with a lot of new growth. I think I am out of the woods. Cut back feeding to every day and a half and only using nutes every other watering. Still using grow big and big bloom.

