Newbie tools, What is needed and why, Come contrbute!

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Man!!! I knew that I was missing something, the joint. I just have to spend the time here on AFN till I chop and cure the product then I'll kick back, twist and ahhhhhh!!!!!:toke:
Thanks everybody for the likes and kind words, I have updated to include several new tools numbers 18 and 19.
here's one you might want to add, inspect plants well everyday! you can nip problems in the (bud) pun intendid.:toke:
Even without dedicated internet, I will make time to make sure this page doesn't move off of page 1! FNG's need to know mahn!
thanks growdawg, I have a heavy hand with nutes apparently but I think its going alright! Good luck to you too with all your grow endeavors.
Thank god for this thread!!!
I remember someone wanting to do a website dedicated to something like this, that gives links and descriptions.. This thread is perfect!!

It also made me want to invest in a pH meter! Now I know EXACTLY what one to get!

This should help the newer growers out there 110%!