Newbie Grower need help with his plants

:toke:...Colderia- this looks mostly all heat stress related,... between the overly high heat, and low RH (what is it in there BTW?), the plant probably shut the stomata's close to prevent further water loss, which brings the flow of water and nutes from roots up to a near halt,.. it can trigger some weird reactions and localized deficiencies,... the pale patches on that upper leaf could be a few things, but I'm betting it's a bit of Mg defc. (like pop22 said, double check for mites just to be sure),... the other symptoms are a bit generic to make a solid call on, but it looks like early K defc.,... you've added no base NPK nutes yet at all? It's way overdue, and keep in mind, many of the nute elements help each other out for uptake and metabolizing,...missing elements can make this process suffer an cause further symptoms, even if they're present,... gotta get it cooler in there, higher RH, ASAP,... do what you can for this meantime!
@Waira i normally keep my RH at 50%-60% but last night i realize that goes down to 20%
Today im mounting a new vent system so heat will be down and RH will be up and go again.
And also i check for mites as @pop22 said and there arent any as much as i can saw with magnifyng glass

About NPK nutes:
İm new grower so im still learning about nutes as i said i have Voodoo Juice, B-52, Mirco-grow-Bloom and Sensi CalMag.
next feeding time ill go with this regime is it ok or what you suggest (just dont forget its hard to find nutes in my country)

0,5 ml/L Voodoo Juice,
0,5 ml/L B-52,
1 ml/LMirco
1 ml/LGrow
1 ml/LBloom
2 ml/L Sensi CalMag.Xtra