hi all i'm new to autos heard to much about them not to give them a go so i have at the moment 1x auto mazar50ish days now i think i have 1 dinafem white cheese bout a week behind her both are bloody massive plants i also have a sweet seeds red poison at bout 40 ish days i think and a dp blueberry at 3 wks ish might be 4
oh and i have 2 nlxbb by world of seeds at bout 10 days and have just put a dinafem amnesia in water to crack all will be done in 12ltr root pouches i will try and keep some sort of diary going if i can i tend to forget things though haha cant imagine why
hopefully i can do these plants some justice oh i have just chopped down to green poison both in 6ltr pots first 1 i took a bit early cos i had no smoke ended up with 3 ounce the other is still drying but it is a lot heavier than the first so i will see what i end up with off that.i forgot to say i use coco for my medium.happy growing folks