Newb thinking about starting a grow! The Tent

Plenty of options out there for types of growing. if you look into Mars-Hydro, I'd just overlook the ts600 and go to the ts 1000 or 2000. The 600 is a good light but it never really produced big dense buds for me. Since switching to the 1000's it's much better quality. Have seen plenty of whole package deals out there while I was researching. Try to plan your buys around a holiday for discounts....
No matter what you chose, you'll eventually start thinking about upgrades so might be best to start "small" (getting good gear to use in the alloted space) and honing your grow skills before shelling out loads of cash...started my grow with $350. (2x4 tent, 2 x ts600, 4"exhaust / carbon filter package, 4 plants in 3 gallon buckets. Got my skill level up, bought 3 x ts 1000's and added height to my tent( for sativa's), went with autopots and now I need a bigger tent and only growing 3 now. got a extra 2x2 tent put the ts 600 in there and do 1 gallon pots in there... not sure how much or even if you've grown before but lots of ways to do it and it's up to you how you want it grown.....good luck and feel free to ask anything.

Maybe a 3 x 6 and I could do 4 again.
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And sometimes you don't even need a tent if you have a closet that's 3x3 36x36inches you can measure with ruler. And you could leave the door open for part of the day if you don't have a vent or install a fan into door or take door off and put a sheet or tarp and put a fan in it just more to consider. They have 3x3 grow trays you can put in there to stop water damage. Especially good if closet is white or you can put up mylar. They have these bars that are meant to hang stuff from and you just extend them by turning them till they are tight.

This almost perfectly describes mine lol.

Gorilla Tape, Mylar sheets, a plug strip, timer, a couple desk fans, and a solid light. Fits right in my closet.
Mars Hydro are nice. Just got an AC Infinity and highly recommend there tents and exhaust systems. The tents are very competitive priced with great quality in construction. Just my opinion.
I'm kitted out with MarsHydro for the most part. I went from a 2 x 4 with an SP3000 (awesome) to a MarsHydro 4 x 4 x 6.5 and went cheap on the light. I found a Chinese (I think most lights are these days) 4000w (equivalent) with Samsung Diodes (probably the previous edition). 6-inch Although I did upgrade my exhaust from some 6-inch cheapie to the MarsHydro fan with the thermostat (looks similar to AC Infinity).

Before deciding on a tent ... Gorilla is the current Cadillac, but I have seen recent reports that AC Infinity has a new line with a beefed up support frame, much like Gorilla's.

Also, for the money difference, consider getting a 4 x 4 just for the extra room for gear you put in there and better accessibility. Be warned the Infinity tent is 80-inches tall.

From their website: "Features durable frame that uses 50% thicker steel poles and carries 2x more weight than standard grow tents."