New Grower New Start-Lowryder Mix

Ah Jackson, you sound like me on my first grow. It took me 7 beans to get 2 plants going. I was starting to doubt everything. Then I found @Ronin germination thread and I've had 100% success since.@Ronin way found HERE
Don't remember if I do it exactly like this but the key take aways are:
1. Saturate the cube
2. Pop the bean in the hole.
3. Plug the hole with a small piece of the cube.
4. After 12hrs, wring out the majority of the water. The cube should just be moist now until the sprout pops up.

I also use Fox Farm ocean forest but I mix it with happy frog and chunky perlite with a bit of dolomite lime.
3 parts Ocean Forest
3 parts Happy Frog
2 parts chunky perlite
Don't remember how much lime but I think it was 1-2 tablespoons per gallon.

You say that you are space limited but I don't recall seeing any measurements. I too am space limited, 24" x 36" and 44" between soil top and light. My first couple of grow I had a lot of problems with overcrowding and keeping the girls from growing into the light. Lately I have been growing Mephisto girls. I have grown Sour Crack, Deep Blue C, Toofless Alien, & Sour Hound. These strains are about perfect for my small space. The smallest plant was 8" and largest about 18". I use 3gal airpots and 2 18" girls will fill the space. But if I stagger them about 4 weeks apart, I can manage 3 girls at different growth stages.

My 2 cents worth, hope it helps. oh and not in TX but 1 state over - about 6hrs from Houston.:smoking:
Thanks bro. I just have 4 100watt CFL lights hanging over the top with pvc.

Gonna wait a couple of more days and then dig her up. This shouldn't be complicated as it's just a weed right

First grow had some mold that I cut away. Got 16 grams I think of lowryder mix.

Ill just keep trying
I think I see a little baby coming out! I just checked on her and I think I see it staring. I want to move the soil away, but I won`t
Good Morning Good People-

I have a new addition to family. She sprouted yesterday and this morning is popping her little head out. I`m excited now:) I will continue to update as time permits.

Thanks everyone for your thoughts and feedback as I begin to grow the last seed of my Lowryder Mix.
I just ordered Auto AK and auto train wreck.

Love this new found hobby
Well everyone, look who`s joining the party? Right now she is in Miracle Grow Seed Starter with some perlite mixed in. As this will be only my second try at this, please give me your feedback. I am hoping this one will be better this time around.



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