Yeah those orthopedic surgeons are crazy high lol our little one had to have the bone where knee cap sits in it it had to be ground down so knee cap would sit right not popping out and then a whole drilled thru lower bone and a wire ran thru it and round a tendon so it held it tight and in he had it on both rear legs it was $5,000 but like you we would do anything for our pups other girl we got just found out she is diabetic and got really sick but on 2 shots a day of 4 untis of insulin but she's here and full of life so Loki will be awesome if you have a good Ortho surgeon great if not and want to check round call medvet if you got one close by they are great and that's all they do is surgery and regular vet but mainly surgery.
The girls look sweet
kick ass job buddy they are fat as f#*k I wish mine was that fat and dense I think I'm gonna cut some of their lower branches off that are just taking energy from the good ones what ya suggest on that