New Grower New grower. Need help

You will get there faster than you think. If you do go with soil buy something fully amended so you can just water. It will be a little more, but you wont have to buy nutes to pour on. :pass:
You will get there faster than you think. If you do go with soil buy something fully amended so you can just water. It will be a little more, but you wont have to buy nutes to pour on. :pass:
You will get there faster than you think. If you do go with soil buy something fully amended so you can just water. It will be a little more, but you wont have to buy nutes to pour on. :pass:

Dont autos like a light to non fertilized soil mix? If it was fully amended wouldnt that be no good for autos?
Dont autos like a light to non fertilized soil mix? If it was fully amended wouldnt that be no good for autos?
Super soil is usually a little hot so you would put that on the bottom third and go with a little less amended soil on top. I think I used Roots organic greenfields and did the supersoil on the bottom. I found through trial and error for my set up super soil and all the recipes were a bit much. Many people would argue that with me on that, but that fits there style.

The recipe I gave you should get you to the end without burning up. It is all about balance. Experiment, ask question, debate things, read ridiculous long posts written by babblers that are way to high to be posting (sorry about that).

Go to the organics section there are a ton of talented growers and great soil methods there for when your ready.

I do apologize I feel like I kind of side tracked your thread.

Super soil is usually a little hot so you would put that on the bottom third and go with a little less amended soil on top. I think I used Roots organic greenfields and did the supersoil on the bottom. I found through trial and error for my set up super soil and all the recipes were a bit much. Many people would argue that with me on that, but that fits there style.

The recipe I gave you should get you to the end without burning up. It is all about balance. Experiment, ask question, debate things, read ridiculous long posts written by babblers that are way to high to be posting (sorry about that).

Go to the organics section there are a ton of talented growers and great soil methods there for when your ready.

I do apologize I feel like I kind of side tracked your thread.


Naw man not at all were all in here for a reason right lol :smoking:
i was thinking more like coco,but its AJ with the 1lb badge not me:crying: so ya could be right :toke:
I am with you on that as well. I am at best just guessing here I would have to check the ratios better. It says humus on the package the question is how much. If I take a bail of coco and cut it with Alaskan humus and add amendments and it can operate at a higher PH to me that seems like soil. I am not an expert by any means, but I have never heard of an inert medium being able to take a PH over 6 for very long. It would be a lockout nightmare at 6.5. I would think the humus would give it some buffering capacity. This seems like a questions for @pop22 he has probably forgotten more about growing than I know. :pass:
I am with you on that as well. I am at best just guessing here I would have to check the ratios better. It says humus on the package the question is how much. If I take a bail of coco and cut it with Alaskan humus and add amendments and it can operate at a higher PH to me that seems like soil. I am not an expert by any means, but I have never heard of an inert medium being able to take a PH over 6 for very long. It would be a lockout nightmare at 6.5. I would think the humus would give it some buffering capacity. This seems like a questions for @pop22 he has probably forgotten more about growing than I know. :pass:

I've heard alot about it, a buddy told me to get it. I didnt know much about it, lots of ppl mix soil with it. But once she finishes I will just switch to soil itll suit me best for now. I'm all ears though :pass:
Miracle Grow might get you through a short grow. I am sure there are people out there using it. You are on a Cannabis forum with some of the best growers in the world. They will teach you to be a good farmer but you have to be willing to put in the work.

That said; here in California many of the medium 60-80 plant outdoor growers I know use Royal Gold Soils. They have a website. I do not know if you can get it but you can look at the ingredients to see if someone selling in your area makes a comparable mix. I would suggest their Mendo Mix. It should get you through the first four Weeks then fertigate with GreenLeaf's MegaCrop 2.0. It will be hard to get any simpler then that.

Good luck and Happy growing!
Miracle Grow might get you through a short grow. I am sure there are people out there using it. You are on a Cannabis forum with some of the best growers in the world. They will teach you to be a good farmer but you have to be willing to put in the work.

That said; here in California many of the medium 60-80 plant outdoor growers I know use Royal Gold Soils. They have a website. I do not know if you can get it but you can look at the ingredients to see if someone selling in your area makes a comparable mix. I would suggest their Mendo Mix. It should get you through the first four Weeks then fertigate with GreenLeaf's MegaCrop 2.0. It will be hard to get any simpler then that.

Good luck and Happy growing!

I'm sure there are but I refuse lol and thank you I'm definitely gonna look into something for next go around so I can already be prepared for it . Green leaf is most likely the way ima go nute Wise