Ok so I feel my best course of action here is an epsom salt folliar spray, ok great! I just picked some up after work today.
I need to learn to NOT panic. I’ve just built quite the relationship with these girls and things seemed to be smooth sailing up until now. I truly thought I was gonna have wayyy more problems honestly (knock on wood ).
Question. I’ve read folliar feeding is best done within 15min AFTER the lights go out. Is that true for this as well? If that’s the case I’ll have to wait about five more hours for them to switch off.
you got it my man, no need to panic... don't worry I get it, that first grow gets you all worried for no reason. I did the same.
Just to explain my self better on the microbs...The mircob tea is just what i use, its part of my system you don't need it (look into them, a great additive to your feeding).
The main reason I suggested a flush is that I'm a coco grower and I was describing
what I would do in this situation. Like I've said you have amended your soil to the point its possibly acting like a soiless meduim like coco.
The reason for flushing - you can get a build up of nutes in you medium if your not getting enough run off, this in turn can then lock the plants out from certain minerals causing a diff or if its a real heavy build up stop them from feeding altogether (complete Lock out) I've had this twice now and had to scrap one of those grows completely to the compost bin at week 8.
What a flush will do is reset the medium by washing all those excess nutes out. The stranded practice it to put twice the amount of water through the pot as its size eg. 10ltr pot = 20ltr of water... I don't normally do this until the end of the grow, what I like to do if i feel its needed is a mini flush of about the same volume as the pot or near abouts (I run 4 x 8ltr and use about 30ltrs)... I do this every 2 weeks or when I change the tank... Flushing - this practice is so controversial to some growers, its a constant argument that will never die and will make even some members on here very red in the face as they try and shout the loudest... I say read as much as you can from both sides and make your own decision.
(something I must mention and not to be confused with is the end of grow flush, this has many a different meanings but generally it means just feeding the plants water for the last 2 weeks of the the grow... some may call it leaching, i like to... again a controversial subject, make your own mind up).
In your situation a flush may not be needed (do the folia feed first) chances are the folia feed will do the job with a slight increase on the cal/mag in your feed... BUT... I always like to play the big BUT... time to infect you with my fear and paranoia...
Mwha ha ha har.... ever since losing a full harvest (that cost me hard) and having a piss poor one due to lock out I take no chances and no prisoners now. So I have built in a fail safe system for these situations where I like to reset my pots back to square one. Top them back up with microbes, loads of folia feeding over a couple of days and start again... It works for me, the more you grow and try the different ways of growing it all becomes lot more easy to understand why we do these practices. Chances are in a year you would have built your own to combat these situations.
Don't worry about when to spray your plants and at what time... old wives tales in my opinion.
Please do check out Opticfolia the company, great products... I use the overgrow twice a week on all vegging plant (mon and thur) and even spay flowering plants up to the end of week 2 of flower (really great for recovery after a leaf strip at the end of that secound week of flower..I grow a lot of photo periods). And I also use their product Transport to add to my own folia mixes I like to make up... I spray every day with kelp, sometime twice.
here i will let them explain -