New Grower New Grower (3rd Cycle) - Seedsman Purple Kush Auto 1:1 ({3L Actual} Pot Experiment)

Going to top her in the next day or two.

Entry 1: Kelly
At this point I think my buddy has thrown in the towel. His hit a wall at day 4. It looks like it is pH related, with some over watering as well. If he decides to do anything with it Ill update, otherwise this will be a solo grow, Kelly stands alone.

Hit her with her first real feed. 1mL 7.6% AgSil Solution, 1mL Bloom City Cal Mag, 4mL Fox Farms Wholly Mackarel, 1/8tsp Recharge into 1L Berkey filtered muni water. Used that 1L to water 11x #1 pots fairly evenly, she probably got 100-150mL. Looks like shes fully recovered from the topping, not sure how much lst and defoliation I am going to do to this one, might just let her grow natural, we'll see.

Looks like shes in stretch. Interesting growing this girl with my light so high from my other grow. Definitely feels like she got a little more lanky, but not necessarily in a bad way. The Daq limes have had the light about 18" away this whole time. This girl has had it as much as 30 inches away to where it is now, maybe around 24. I read that article regarding close led lighting resulting in squatter plants, this may be that concept proven.

i grow perpetual,3 weeks between plants.
not the best pic for reference as they 1L. pots not my normal 3&6L.but i start my plants off on a shelf at the back of the cupboard.

at 3 weeks they go onto the flooor,and a new plant is started.
if they look a lil lanky il stick em on a boxargos kettle.JPG on my 5th led and never played around with raising and lowering light heights :smoking:
looking good :thumbsup: a good 7-10 days of good growing.some plants are short n fat others tall n long.swings and roundabouts,plant structure,a lot of times we can do nothing about it.
good luck n keep er lit
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i grow perpetual,3 weeks between plants.
not the best pic for reference as they 1L. pots not my normal 3&6L.but i start my plants off on a shelf at the back of the cupboard.
View attachment 1211857
at 3 weeks they go onto the flooor,and a new plant is started.
if they look a lil lanky il stick em on a boxView attachment 1211864 on my 5th led and never played around with raising and lowering light heights :smoking:
looking good :thumbsup: a good 7-10 days of good growing.some plants are short n fat others tall n long.swings and roundabouts,plant structure,a lot of times we can do nothing about it.
good luck n keep er lit

I originally had her stacked on 6 or 7 #1 pots, once she got some leaf surface I took her down. Picked up 120x of those #1 pots because it was cheaper than buying 25x of them... But makes it easy enough to raise individual pots, I just wanted to see what happened as she never went "leggy". Having grown this variety several times, this is pretty common structure, very similar structure of one I grew outdoors at the start of our 14 hour days. Her roots are crawling out of the inner pot, not sure if I should keep the outer pot to protect them from light or whatever, not doing the stunting and transplanting method, just incidental that I left the 1 extra pot.

Once I get things a little more dialed Id like to set up a perpetual system, utilizing those shelves in back, very similar to you actually, but I would add a light to cover the 2' x 3' shelf.